Call Center Software

Call Center Campaigns: Types, Key Features, How to Create

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Engaged call center agents are 3.3X more likely to feel empowered to resolve customer issues. Well-planned call center campaigns help improve the win rate and speed up customer resolution.

This may seem minor when it comes to looking at the organization as a whole.

This is because the speed and success of query resolution largely determine the customer experience of your client as your business begins to scale. 

Good cold calling practices can definitely increase the success rate when we talk of a call center campaign ideas.

Likewise, customer experience is subject to streamlined call routing and resolution processes.

Call center campaigns are meant to organize inbound and outbound calling operations according to the needs of the clients. 

What are Call Center Campaigns?

Call center campaigns refer to focused efforts aimed at segmenting all calls. The idea is to capitalize on the resources and skills at hand in a smart way.

Call center agents can segment their calls by different criteria such as customer profile, goals, or location.

Let’s say you’re in the real estate business. You can organize outbound calling campaigns to prioritize first-time buyers or divorce leads, for instance.

Instead of planning calls randomly, a campaign calling center streamlines calls and helps reach business goals smartly.

Here’s Why You Need Call Center Campaigns

Call center campaigns are important because they help organize inbound and outbound calls in a proactive manner.

Support agents handle huge call volumes every day. Meanwhile, outbound calling quotas are also not easy to fulfill. Call center campaigns are meant to arrange calling activities innovatively, to improve the success rate.

Calling activities driven by specific goals or criteria engage customers as well as agents. This eventually contributes to better customer service and streamlined sales.

Types of Call Center Campaigns

Call center campaigns can be broadly classified into outbound calling campaigns and inbound calling campaigns.

Outbound Campaigns

Outbound call center campaigns are sales-driven and involve calling prospects or leads to sell specific products or services. You can build outbound calling campaigns by narrowing down lead lists on the basis of ideal customer profiles (ICPs), demographics, or other factors.

Typically, outbound call center campaigns fall into the following 3 categories:

1. Cold Calling Campaigns

Cold Calling Campaigns

Cold calling campaigns involve reaching out to cold prospects or leads. These are prospects who have had no prior contact with your business.

This first point of contact is meant for acquanting prospects to your product and invoking the need for buying it. But, cold outreach does not mean you have to approach random prospects.

It is important to get high-quality leads and plan out your cold calling campaigns smartly. Perhaps, you may want to create an ideal customer profile (ICP) which could be based on firmographics, demographics, and other such criteria.

2. Warm Outreach Campaign

Warm Calling campaigns

Outbound calling campaigns targeting prospects who have already interacted with your business, are warm outreach campaigns. These prospects may have taken actions such as subscribing to your newsletter, downloading an e-book or requested a product demo.

Warm leads are familiar with your business to an extent. Get familiar with the needs of your warm leads, take stock of their budget, and gather important information about them.

Warm outreach is not about closing sales, but about identifying the needs of the prospects and potential hurdles. Strengthen your warm lead qualification efforts by recording every interaction effectively in the CRM.

3. Survey Campaigns

Some outbound call center campaigns involve carrying out surveys via phone conversations. Here, the idea is to capture customer feedback, understand their preferences, and deliver services accordingly.

Agents may ask objective or open-ended questions, relating to consumer behaviour, preferences, feedback, and so on.

These surveys help in building an understanding of customers’ sensitivities and creating more effective business strategies.

How to Setup Automated Outbound Dialer Campaigns

You can set up automated outbound campaigns through JustCall, along with its IQ solution, which provides a comprehensive in-depth review of the customer profile and journey.

Here is a step-by-step procedure, which you can use to set up an automated outbound dialer campaign:

Step 1 – Select/Implement Outbound Dialer Software

The first step is to finalize the outbound dialer software that can be useful to your organization and fits your budget.

You can select JustCall dialer software to achieve long-term objectives and strategize to implement it. Before you select the relevant software, consider the following factors:

  • Your expectations from the software and how will it benefit your teams?
  • Are there any secondary objectives that it can meet?
  • Are you looking for profitability or an increased ROI?
  • Are you creating measurable and achievable goals?
  • How will telemarketing agents achieve these goals?
  • What is your achievable conversion rate?
  • What kind of data do you want from your consumers and how will this help you in the future?
  • How do you plan to handle outgoing calls and which outbound best practices and tips would you adopt?

Step 2 – Build Or Import a Contact List

The next step to setting up an automated outbound dialer software is to build a contact list and align each contact with a unique UID. A unique user ID helps to upload contacts calling via phone to that list. 

After importing your contact list, the next step is to link it with your outbound campaign.

You can include as many titled custom data fields for your contacts so that relevant information is displayed to the agents when they are connected with a contact.  

Step 3 – Record And Upload the Script or Message

Refine the call script as the campaign progresses, test your original script, or write a new call script.

The script should contain a clear, structured message and answers to potential questions and objections that your consumers may have before closing a deal. 

Transparent communication should be at the core of all our business. After framing the script, you must upload it to the software, to help the agents.

Step 4 – Set Up Call Scheduling and Pacing

The whole idea of call scheduling and the pacing is to serve your clients quickly, enhance agent productivity, and follow compliance.

You can set up predictive or progressive call scheduling along with ML-powered answering device detection assist. This helps to reduce time wastage because of unanswered calls, simplify operations and reduce costs. 

Step 5 – Consider Data Acquisition, Handling, and Use

There are many other important factors to consider when working with prospect data.

Data Acquisition

Distinguish between “warm” and “cold” data. Warm consumer data is more relevant as these are your consumers who have tried to contact you in one way or the other.

Be particular when choosing your cold data, because if you choose them wisely, they can be just as good as warm data.

Data Handling

Make sure that if you invest in data retrieval, it is not on Do Not Call (DNC) lists, Priority Call Service (TPS), or other registries for customers who don’t want marketing calls.

You cannot break the law, so handle your data well to avoid reputational damage and wasted time.

Check the accuracy of your data and verify that the data is correct. Ensure that all numbers are in the correct format without anything missing.

Data Utility

Now for work-from-home employees, it has become easier to access data from anywhere and everywhere. JustCall allows you to partially or completely hide your phone number from agents.

This helps prevent agent-side data breaches. You can define your target customer and use a detailed dataset to reach your target audience.

Step 6 – Test And Start the Campaign

Contact centers create outbound campaigns for a variety of reasons, such as appointment reminders, telemarketing, or to help with unresolved concerns.

After you have partially set up your outbound dialer software, you must create a campaign and select a queue that is associated with this campaign.

When starting and testing the campaign, ensure you have chosen the right dialer type, and bandwidth allocation, and that the campaign is associated with a specific consumer journey before you start making high-volume outbound calls.

Step 7 – Monitor And Optimize the Campaign

It is imperative to supervise the campaign, audit it, and see if it running as designed. Consider the following factors when doing so:

  • Make sure there is proper Disclosure – The agent introduces himself/herself to the prospect and tells them the purpose of the call.
  • A proper calling structure should have the following – Asking relevant questions. Find out the kind of product that the consumer is looking for, explain the pros and use of the product, and clarify to prospective customers how your product/service meets their needs. Finally, it should include answering prospects’ questions and winning objections.
  • After monitoring, make sure you discuss opportunities when appropriate. End the call and summarize what was discussed or agreed upon. Summarize and ensure there are no misunderstandings about the entire process.
  • Indulge in post-call processing which includes sending an email to the agent with more detailed information.

Step 8 – Choose A Dialing Strategy

When choosing the right outbound calling strategy you must consider the outbound contact list and the type of dialing technology used for the campaign. You need to know:

  • The number of agents you would need for the campaign
  • What kind of technology you will be using?
  • What kind of data would you need, and how much time you should invest in the campaign?

When choosing the right outbound dialer mode, consider which one you must opt for:

Step 9 – Apply Useful Tips

Consider the following tips:

  • Address Administrative Concerns – There are important administrative considerations that you should be aware of. Before launching a campaign, it’s important to get procedural issues out of the way. You should be aware of database management, administrative information, dialer management, and legal compliance
  • Choose the Right Benchmarks – Agent efficiency depends on many factors. You must set measurable and achievable benchmarks depending on the quality of the contact campaign list, Dialing logic, Average talk time, and Call environment. Such KPIs will help you get the results you want.

Inbound Campaigns

Inbound call center campaigns are focused on improving inbound customers’ experience. Just as outbound calling has enormous impact on your business, delivering top-notch customer experience is equally important.

Typically, there are 3 types of inbound call center campaigns, namely:

1. Customer Service Campaigns

Customer service campaigns

Call centers receive inbound queries and issues in the form of phone calls from customers on a daily basis. How you handle these customer queries will reflect largely on your business and its associated numbers.

You need to optimize your customer service campaigns for a speedy resolution. This means every customer should get access to the right agent swiftly.

But, in a busy call center, handling huge volumes of calls can be very difficult. Customer service call center campaigns should deploy call routing, auto-attendant, callback queues and other such functionalities for better customer experience.

2. Inbound Sales Campaigns

Brand awareness through organic or paid channels also brings inbound calling queries. Managing inbound sales queries in a systematic manner is crucial for closing deals.

To attend to inbound sales queries, you need a team of well-trained sales agents.

Like outbound sales campaigns, converting prospects into customers comes with its own share of objections and hurdles. By arming your sales agents with the right tools and practices, you can improve your closing rate.

3. Tech Support Campaigns

Tech Support Campaigns

Another type of call center campaign is tech support campaign. There are customer queries and then there are complex issues.

Tech support agents need to be experts at handling technical queries coming from customers. They should be well-versed with the products and be prepared to help solve complex queries.

An important component of tech support campaigns is intelligent call routing. Inbound callers look for swift resolution of queries. Call routing helps direct inbound callers to the right agent and improves inbound callers’ experience.

Best Practices for Successful Call Campaigns

Campaigns help you build and maintain relationships with customers. They let you apply innovative techniques to succeed and retain customers and leads. These also act as a motivator for all employees.

A study conducted by McKinsey & Co. found that highly engaged call center agents are much more likely to stay with the company and resolve customer queries better than unengaged agents.

Here are the best practices that you must focus on when designing or finalizing call center sales and service campaigns for your organization:

  1. Set clear objectives for your campaign and focus on prioritizing consumer needs, and ensuring the delivery of whatever has been promised to consumers and agents.
  2. Create a Call Script and help agents close a sale, include variations that target different kinds of buyers, and provide the best next steps for your agents to follow up on.
  3. Choose the benchmarks and KPIs wisely, considering the environment, average talk time, contact list quality, and dialing techniques.
  4. Employ automation and avoid the performance of repetitive and redundant tasks.
  5. Consider call monitoring and campaign testing regularly. This will help you identify what works best for the success of your organization.
  6. Create an incentive program for your agents. You can appreciate their time and efforts by offering incentives, perks, and other rewards.
  7. Get Insights into your ROI, which can help you improve the conversion rate.
  8. Develop a smooth onboarding process for your new employees.
  9. Review agent consistency and monitor whether you and your team are on the same page.
  10. Define the role and responsibilities of your sales and service consultants and empower them to deliver a consistent customer experience.

Best Features for Effective Call Center Campaigns

Every thriving business seeks to achieve their goals- whether it is generating leads or delivering good customer service.

For this, you’ll need the right call center software features that supplement your sales teams.

Here are some of the features that your organization needs, to implement your sales and service campaigns successfully.

These have been crafted for high-volume calling and can effectively help in running your inbound and outbound call center campaigns.

  1. Sales Predictive Dialer: Instead of manually dialing prospects, let the auto dialer software do the dialing for you. In this way, you can amp up outbound call center campaigns.
  2. Voicemail Drop: Run outbound calling campaigns without hurdles, thanks to automatic voicemail drop. Instead of recording voicemails each time, you can drop pre-recorded voicemails.
  3. Real-time Call Monitoring: Guide your call center agents during live calls with call monitoring. You can listen to live calls between agents and customers. Alternatively you can whisper instructions to agents without the customer knowing or barge in between and manuever conversations where needed.
  4. IVR System: Interactive voice response or IVR software is an automated voice response technology. It serves as an auto attendant that greets and guides inbound callers to the appropriate agent, directs them to voicemail and reads out relevant instructions.
  5. Automatic Call Distribution: Take inbound leads and customers to the appropriate department or agent. In case your agents are busy, place the callers in a callback queue or offer the option to leave a voicemail.
  6. Call Recording: Use call recordings to not only assess agents’ performance but also improve the overall customer experience. Refer to call recordings as examples for guiding and training agents from time to time.
  7. Business Tool Integrations: Your call center software should sync with other business tools so that agents don’t have to constantly switch between different tools. CRM integrations, in particular, can be very helpful in simplifying workflows.
  8. Call transfer or forwarding: This allows agents to transfer calls with the push of a button using seamless routing, which helps close deals.
  9. Call Queues: A virtual waiting line where customers wait for their turn to be answered when all agents are busy.
  10. VoIP Paging System: This allows teams to send messages to groups or entire employees in seconds. This software is great for quick questions that prompt an impromptu team meeting.
  11. Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS): This acts like reverse caller ID, allowing VoIP systems to identify dialed numbers to reach agents. This helps you track campaign performance for incoming calls.

Frequently asked questions

Why does my business need calling campaigns?

The answer is simple – why make your agents shoot arrows in the dark when you can research and create targeted campaigns towards leads that have a greater chance at converting.

An organised calling campaign might take a little extra time during ideation but will repay its worth in multiples of that.

How can my sales teams create calling campaigns?

There are softwares that can help you create your very own call centre campaign. JustCall, along with its IQ ecosystem, provides a comprehensive in-depth review of the customer profile and journey and tells you exactly where to place your bets.

In a system where everything is digital and cloud, having this clarity can elevate your call center campaign up several notches.

What are the kinds of calling campaigns?

Call campaigns may be outbound or inbound. Within these demarcations, there can be cold calling campaigns, warm outreach campaigns, customer service campaigns, etc.

How can JustCall contribute to my call centre campaign?

JustCall is a software that has been devised for makes the lives of sales and support agents easier. It comes loaded with features like sales dialer, voicemail drop, live call monitoring etc. that automate a bunch of sales processes.

Using these features of the application, creating call center campaigns at scale becomes a seamless process.

I have never used a call center software before. How do I implement it in my team?

We would recommend booking a demo call with our client onboarding team to better understand the product before formally inducting it into your team.

You can select a date and time slot as per your convenience and we will get back to you at the earliest!

Taran, as the Support Manager at JustCall, spearheads efforts to enhance customer satisfaction by strategically collaborating with client-facing teams. He upholds rigorous standards, ensuring JustCall's support services consistently excel. Passionate about superior customer experiences, Taran champions a company-wide dedication to a customer-first mindset.

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