CCaaS (Contact Center as a Service)

6 Benefits of Cloud-Based Contact Centers

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Whenever you hear the term contact center, you imagine cubicles filled with employees, headsets on their heads resolving customers’ queries. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed this reality for many people.

Thanks to cloud contact center solutions, today, organizations can host their contact centers at a third-party data center. It eliminates the need for any on-premise hardware or infrastructure to run a contact center.

A cloud contact center is ideal for businesses looking to optimize their customer service practice with minimal cost and maximum efficiency. However, some are still skeptical about relinquishing the software and hardware control to third parties.

This blog will discuss the six benefits of cloud-based contact centers.

6 Benefits of Cloud-Based Contact Centers

1. Quick Deployment and Greater Scalability

As there is no need for any physical infrastructure or hardware installation, you can quickly get your call center up and running in the cloud. Once you decide which solution best meets your organizational needs, you can launch your cloud call center in weeks.

Not only are cloud call centers easy to set up, but they also allow true scalability for businesses of all sizes. Do you receive high call volumes during holidays, peak seasons, or crises? Quickly add seats and hire additional agents to manage the influx.

Similarly, you also have the flexibility to scale down if you feel your staff is underutilized.

2. The Flexibility of Remote Working

Another significant benefit of the cloud-based contact center is the flexibility afforded to agents for remote working. Since all the data and processing capabilities are available online, agents can access them virtually from anywhere.

Employees today value flexibility and work-life balance. Allowing them to work from home can boost their morale and productivity and help you attract and retain talent in your organization.

Further, contact centers generally look to hire agents globally or regionally for linguistic regions. This becomes easier with a hosted solution.

With no geographical limitations, you can hire a pool of native agents good at their local dialect to serve customers in that location.

3. More Interaction Channels For Better Customer Service

Your customers can reach out to your business in various ways. Some like calling, while others prefer SMS, WhatsApp, or other social media.

A cloud contact center provides you with more interaction channels than on-premise contact centers. They include voice, text, email, business chat, and videos.

Adding new channels is also easier on the cloud since there is no need to set up new equipment and supporting software for each new channel. This point is important because the ultimate aim of all companies boils down to improving customer experience, and providing multiple channels for interaction is one way of doing so.

In fact, businesses that employ omnichannel communication strategies are found to achieve 91% greater year-on-year customer retention.

4. Lower Operational Cost

Traditional contact center setups require a heavy initial investment in infrastructure and licensing. And not to forget the manual servicing and annual maintenance costs.

Removing these out of the picture naturally makes operating a cloud contact center cheaper. You only need cloud contact center software, and you can run a fully-functional omnichannel contact center with limited resources.

Most cloud-based contact center software operates on a pay-as-you-go model, making scaling inexpensive. Further, having a certain percentage of your workforce working remotely also saves you money in terms of reduced rent and utilities and increased employee productivity.

5. Enhanced Security and Reliability

When disruptions occur due to natural disasters or other unexpected events, on-premise contact centers may not be fully equipped to handle them. It can impact your workflow, causing you to lose revenue and customers.

Thankfully, this is not the case with cloud solutions. They have robust disaster recovery and failover procedures in place. Most cloud contact center platforms provide a guarantee or Service Level Agreement of 99.99% uptime. Such reliability is hard to obtain for on-premise call centers.

Your data is safe if you store them in a cloud center that complies with national and global security standards. You can opt for hybrid cloud solutions that allow you to store sensitive data in a private cloud and other data in public clouds.

6. Easy Adoption of AI-Enabled Capabilities

AI models are easily accessible over the cloud at a lower cost. Whether it’s a voice bot, agent assistant, sentiment analytics, or churn predictor, these powerful tools can take your customer interactions to new heights of success.

These benefits are readily available in cloud contact center platforms, and harnessing them can help you stay ahead of the competition.

Final Words

All the above points suggest that cloud-based contact center solutions are an excellent alternative to on-premise contact centers. They are cost-effective, scalable, reliable, and offer superior customer experience through omnichannel communication.

In an era where customer experience is paramount, cloud contact center solutions can be the key enabler in fulfilling ever-rising customer expectations. Hence, it wouldn’t be surprising to see a swift transition from the on-premise to a cloud-based contact center market in the coming years.


What is a cloud-based contact center?

A cloud contact center is a web-hosted contact center supported by a third-party vendor. Being hosted on the web means businesses can use the software tool from any geographical location to manage their inbound and outbound customer communications.

What is the difference between on-premise and cloud-based contact centers?

On-premise contact centers require you to have your hardware and servers, while cloud-based contact center solutions deliver software as a service with a pay-per-use or subscription-based pricing model.

What are the benefits of cloud-based contact centers?

Below are some benefits of cloud-based contact centers:

  • Quick deployment and greater scalability
  • The flexibility of remote working
  • More interaction channels for better customer service
  • Lower operational costs
  • Enhanced security and reliability
  • Easy adoption of AI-based capabilities
How much does a cloud contact center software cost?

The price for a hosted cloud contact center software can range between $50 to $300 per user per month.

How can I transition to a cloud contact center?

Transitioning to a cloud contact center requires you to determine your business needs and find the right cloud-based contact center software vendor that fulfills those needs and helps you with the migration process.

Vijaya heads the Global Support team at JustCall, where he has played a pivotal role in expanding the support team and diversifying its channels and services. Under his guidance, the team consistently earns top customer satisfaction scores. With a passion for team-building, Vijaya is committed to empowering his staff to deliver unparalleled customer experiences. In addition to his managerial responsibilities, he is a certified Leadership Coach, specializing in helping leaders overcome their unique challenges to achieve success.

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