Conversational AI

How AI Agent Assist is a Must-Have Tool for Your Contact Center

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Post-call evaluation is post-mortem. The deal is already lost; the customer has already churned. 

Getting into action after you have lost a business does very little for anyone.

Ideally, your sales and customer support reps need real-time assistance. They will perform much better if they receive help during the live call.

This is where new-age solutions like conversation intelligence come into play.

Already embraced by many contact centers, conversation intelligence comes with the AI Agent Assist feature that leverages artificial intelligence to help reps in real-time.

In this guide, we will discuss what this conversation Agent Assist is and how it can help your reps close more deals and increase CSAT scores.

Recommended Read: What is Conversation Intelligence? (Features, Benefits)

What is AI Agent Assist?

Agent Assist is a part of conversation intelligence that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to provide suggestions to sales and support reps during live conversations with a prospect or customer.

Agent Assist suggests the best response based on various factors like the content of the conversation and the attributes of the customer. 

For example, if an account executive is about to respond with some basic information about a product to a customer who just asked for more details, at the Agent Assist stage, the AI will suggest a more tailored response instead.

This has been shown to reduce average call length, increase first call resolution, and reduce escalations to supervisors.

How Does AI Agent Assist Work?

AI-powered real-time agent assistance works by listening to recorded calls and providing personalized recommendations to reps during live conversations.

These suggestions are based on previous calls that have been analyzed by AI technology and feature keywords, phrases, and communication patterns that have proven successful in the past.

Agent Assist provides an overlay of suggested responses for reps when they are on the phone with prospects or customers. These suggestions are curated based on thousands of data points from previous conversations.

How is Agent Assist Used?

The use cases of conversational Agent Assist is wide in sales and customer support:

1. Used by Sales Teams

Making cold calls was never easy. Even if you have found a prospect, following up and having a good pitch is always challenging. AI solutions, however, have made things quite simpler for sales teams.

The modern conversational Agent Assist works in tandem with hard data and ongoing conversations. 

One, through CRM integration, it creates definite profiles of individual prospects. The collated details enable sales teams to create personalized pitches that are tailored to customers’ distinct needs, requirements, budgets, and preferences.

Two, even with all the planning and preparation, things can go haywire during sales calls.

Adjusting to the ongoing context is extremely important. Conversational agent solutions chip in even here, providing real-time feedback to the sales reps.

They offer situational prompts, helping reps how to pivot their approach, what questions to ask, how to answer the prospects, and inevitably how to close that deal.

In recent years, AI Agent Assist , as a part of conversation intelligence, has made a huge mark for sales teams around the world. With this solution, reps can:

  • Personalize their pitches
  • Understand the sentiment of the prospects
  • Answer questions more efficiently
  • Close more deals

2. Used by Customer Service Teams

Different customers have different expectations and preferences. So, creating a definite playbook and anchoring it to one strategy has never been very effective for customer service teams. 

Reps have always struggled – especially when dealing with agitated customers – to maintain a good CSAT score. 

Conversational Agent Assist has emerged as a game-changer in the existing system for support reps. It not only brings them the opportunity to personalize interactions but even prompts them with quick, real-time responses.

Many AI Agent Assist for Customer Service solutions integrate with CRM.

So, when an existing customer calls the support team, the solution pulls out all the stored data of that customer, including the previous interactions they have had with the team.

This means even before the rep answers the call, they have complete context of who the customer on the other line is and for what possible reasons they might be calling.

Based on the context, reps can refine their communication strategy and converse in a way that fits customers’ expectations. 

Similarly, AI Agent Assist, with its own understanding of innumerable data points on the particular customer – as well as real-time call analysis – can hand-hold reps with effective responses that are tailored to the type of words the customer is using and the sentiments they have.

All in all, with conversational Agent Assist, reps can:

  • Personalize their communication
  • Ensure faster resolution
  • Reduce customer churn
  • Enhance customer experience
  • Enjoy upselling/cross-selling opportunities

5 Benefits of Agent Assist 

1. It Provides Support for Agent Coaching

Agent Assist records and measures conversations between agents and callers against benchmarked standards.

It considers previous conversations and provides inputs about language, tone, vocabulary, sentiment, etc., which can be used to coach agents to improve performance. 

2. It Reduces the Need for Multiple Follow-Ups

Agent Assist uses deep learning to provide all the data an agent needs to address a caller’s concern/problem within the first call. Customers don’t need to repeatedly follow up with the company for help. 

3. It Limits Call Holding and Time Spent on a Call

Owing to the access to relevant caller-specific data through real-time Agent Assist, the resolution time is reduced for each call. Agents don’t need to place callers on hold for long periods to search for information. 

4. It Increases Visibility Into the Caller’s Buyer Journey

Agent Assist allows your staff to identify what point of the buyer’s journey they are currently in and how this journey has panned out. Agents can then upsell or cross-sell items based on the information they receive. 

5. It Reduces Customer Churn Through Better-Quality Customer Support

The ultimate objective of Agent Assist is to offer responsive and personalized customer support to callers.

With greater accuracy in customer data, the decisions agents take to serve customers will also be more positively impactful. Agents will be able to work with customers and provide the most relevant offerings.

How Accurate is AI Agent Assist? 

Agent Assist leverages artificial intelligence to provide companies with the insights they need to improve contact center experiences. Hence, real-time Agent Assist has both the benefits and disadvantages that are true to AI.

Some studies show that AI Agent Assist can increase a company’s productivity by up to 50%.

This is primarily because AI Agent Assist for contact centers automates the work done by human agents and reduces the time it takes to collate information and complete certain repetitive tasks.

The accuracy and quality with which these tasks are discharged ultimately depend on the quality of data the AI Agent Assist has access to and the number of interactions it is privy to.

The better the quality and accuracy of data and the more frequently AI Agent Assist can monitor customer-agent calls, the higher the accuracy and relevance of the support it provides.

One of the underlying requirements for better data collection and analysis is the AI algorithm. There are different types of algorithms that Agent Assists can run on.

More complex algorithms, capable of higher-order data processing and analysis, can be very expensive to implement. Choosing a less-expensive alternative may reduce the company’s AI capabilities, which can affect Agent Assist’s accuracy.

Ultimately, companies must track the relevance of Agent Assist’s recommendations and adjust the type of data they input and how they use the tool to improve its accuracy.

Does the AI Agent Assist in Replacing the Call Whispering and Call Barging Features? 

Call whispering and call barging are two features that software with AI Agent Assist for customer service, like JustCall, specializes in.

In both features, AI-powered real-time agent assistance is offered in the form of live coaching to agents who are having trouble navigating conversations with customers.

In Call Whispering, the Agent Assist “whispers” pointers and helpful tips to agents without interrupting the call between the agent and customer.

In Call Barging, the Agent Assist “barges” into the call by joining the customer-agent call and speaking directly to the customer.

While doing so, the AI technology is able to mimic human diction, accent, and semantics and sound authentic, like a real human. 

Quality of Insights Provided by AI Compared to Manual Intervention 

Modern-day AI Agent Assist for contact centers has these capabilities because Agent Assist trains itself on the vocabulary, tone, accent, semantics, and sentiments of people by closely studying the conversations between human agents and customers.

The technology is able to recognize when calls are going as they should and when conversations are taking a turn towards negative and unpleasant experiences.

This way, AI technology can offer agents much-needed help or take over the calls themselves.

With AI’s predictive capabilities becoming more accurate, Agent Assist technology can predict in advance specific calls which may become problematic or identify agents who may be inexperienced in handling certain types of calls.

Additionally, post-whispering and post-barging call performance and customer sentiment and satisfaction can also be tracked by AI Agent Assist. This is difficult and time-consuming to do manually.

Does AI Agent Assist Work Only on Calls?

Contact centers don’t exclusively connect with prospects and customers on call. They also use other communication channels such as chatbots, SMS, and emails.

So, naturally, the question arises: can AI-powered real-time agent assistance be offered outside of calls too?

The good news – yes, it can.

At the AI Agent Assist stage, companies can choose to deploy this technology through calls and text-based communication channels, which include chatbots, SMS, and email.

Agent Assist’s natural language processing capabilities aren’t limited by the mode of communication. Right from welcome/onboarding to post-purchase support, your AI Agent Assist can help agents throughout their interactions with customers.

The technology can also be deployed for internal helpdesks to support human agents in their day-to-day operations.

The high degree of personalization that is possible through AI Agent Assist allows companies to modify engagements to suit the end-user on the various devices and communication channels they use.

Getting Started with Agent Assist

JustCall IQ is one of the most preferred conversation intelligence solutions. It packs features like AI Agent Assist for customer service.

Built rigorously to cater to the distinct needs of the sales and customer support teams, JustCall IQ assures to ramp up your in-house training and bolster all the important metrics that matter to your business.

JustCall IQ comes bundled with JustCall, a leading cloud phone system that’s used (and recommended) by 6,000+ businesses worldwide.

So, sign up for JustCall today and leverage its AI Agent Assist feature, along with its other cutting-edge capabilities. You can also book a free demo to learn more about JustCall IQ and all its features.

Agent Assist and Beyond

Unlock new growth potential with modern AI solutions by your side. 

Conversational AI Agent Assist for contact centers is a big piece of a larger puzzle that promises to position sales and customer support teams for unparalleled ROI.

So, go beyond the traditional practices and methodologies. Go ahead with AI Agent Assist.

With a foundational role at Saas Labs, Anand has been a key player in establishing the Product Management function and spearheading the launch of our Conversation Intelligence solution. His expertise in AI innovation guides both the strategic direction of the products and a team committed to excellence.

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