
By admin Published on: February 22, 2022 Updated on: Achievement
HoduSoft partners with Signalmash to bring innovative UC products to US markets

HoduSoft partners with Signalmash to bring innovative UC products to US markets

Hodusoft, a leader in the Unified Communications software market, recently collaborated with US-based Signalmash, a comprehensive CPaaS (Communication Platform as a Service) platform.  The partnership has enabled HoduSoft to expand its suite of communications products and services in the growing US markets.


With this collaboration, both Signalmash and HoduSoft will benefit from the complementary strengths of both companies in the Unified Communications space. HoduSoft has built an innovative suite of products over the years. Both HoduCC and HoduPBX are robust products, offering powerful communication experiences for customers and employees alike, backed by enterprise-grade security.


Signalmash is a part of Mash Technologies Corporation. It helps businesses develop innovative ways to improve their communications, outreach, and engagement. Signalmash specializes in providing communication solutions for Voice, SMS, and Video meetings. Through its communication platform offering APIs and SDKs for SMS / MMS, Programmable Voice, and SIP Trunking, the company aims to serve the US customers with a mix of communication solutions through pay-as-you-go/subscription-based model, growth, and scale plans. 


The collaboration with Signalmash has presented HoduSoft with an opportunity to offer its suite of customer and employee communications products in the growing US markets. The move aligns with HoduSoft’s vision of expanding and servicing customers in diverse geographies across the globe. Let us quickly glance through HoduSoft’s product stack. 

  • HoduCC – Contact Center Software

Designed with an omnichannel approach to help enterprises build connections across every communication channel with customers and deliver delightful experiences. 

  • HoduCC – Call Center Software

Designed for new-age enterprises, catering to their ever-evolving business communication needs. The software is fitted with automatic dialers and the latest calling and analytics tools, to help you streamline and optimize your call center operations.

  • HoduPBX – IP PBX Software

Advance internet telephony to reduce phone bills and get reliable and high call quality to connect and share. A cost-effective and efficient phone system for all businesses.

  • HoduBlast – Voice & SMS Broadcasting Software

The ultimate Voice and SMS broadcast software to increase a business’ reach effortlessly in a few clicks.

  • HoduConf – Audio Conferencing Software

The scalable audio conferencing software to bring global and local teams together. 

In a world where customers expect responses and resolutions to inquiries at the click of a button, ease of communication with customers is what every business strives for. 


Enterprises today are dealing with very unusual circumstances. COVID-19 has permanently altered the way workplaces function and the way people communicate both within and outside the organization. A majority number of employees are now working remotely and for most of them, it is the first-time working outside the office environment. By making a technologically advanced UC platform available to its call center agents, a business not only simplifies and streamlines its call center operations but also ensures stellar customer experiences every time. They enable their call center agents to:

  • Better communicate and collaborate with other agents and enhance their knowledge base.
  • Build good customer relationships.
  • Provide quick solutions to customer problems and questions.
  • Provides remote workers to connect from anywhere.

It helps a business to:

  • Better plan and assign tasks to agents as per their role.
  • Identify their strong and weak areas, rectify and fix any process breakdowns.
  • Provide feedback in real-time.
  • Help identify areas where agents require more training. 

Other products such as voice and SMS broadcasting software help businesses expand their customer outreach and connect with customers beyond social media and conventional communication channels such as e-mails and phone calls. SMS broadcasting is an effective way to keep a large customer base updated about new product launches, promotional offers, or send personalized greetings on occasions and more. Conferencing solutions enable employees to collaborate with team members in real-time, access call recordings for future reference, and more.


Today call center and contact center teams are the ones responsible for attending customers and ensuring they are happy and satisfied. They are like the infantry of the armed forces on the border dealing with anxious, sometimes angry, and sometimes confused customers who want a quick solution to their problems. In addition to handling customers, call center agents are also dealing with the challenges of work-from-home. 

To deliver stellar customer experiences agents today need to fulfill high customer expectations by seamlessly switching between multiple channels of communication. They also need to be fully aware of the customers associated with an organization. Call center agents are the most important piece in the organizational maze, the front liners who bear all the brunt and provide solutions too. They are more than repositories of information, they are the communication bridge between a consumer and a business.


In the recent past, many companies used traditional ways (emails/traditional telephone/mobile phone-based conversations) to handle inbound customer inquiries. However, with technological advancements more and more companies switched to an omnichannel contact center solution, with this shift accelerating in the last two years. Why?

The year 2020-21 witnessed an unprecedented surge in customer inquiries across sectors be it E-commerce, the hospitality sector, BFSI (Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance), Healthcare, Travel and Tourism, or Real Estate. Customers were reaching out to companies from all possible communication channels such as phone, emails, messaging, chats, social media, and more. It was then that companies across the board began to realize the many benefits of an omnichannel call center solution to handle this heavy inflow of inquiries. The feature-rich software enables call center agents to handle the calls more professionally, do timely follow-ups, be more proactive, seamlessly switch between various communication channels, and bring a human touch to these interactions which is something that people crave more in the given circumstances.

The hospitality and travel and tourism sectors have benefited by using omnichannel call center solutions. The hospitality industry is always flooded with many booking, date change, and cancellation inquiries. The call center automation features helped automate booking operations, and very complex cases such as cancellations or date change or group travel needed to be handled by the agents. 


At the end of the day, seamless communication is the bedrock for both internal and external organizational success. Over the years HoduSoft has established itself as the maker of quality business communication software and a market leader in the space. The comprehensive product suite helps enterprises deploy effective solutions for every need, no matter their size.

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