Customer Service and Support

Addressing Gaps in Customer Support for Better Customer Satisfaction

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Customer support is one of the most important aspects of delivering a good customer experience. Good customer support turns a casual buyer into a loyal customer and keeps them returning for more. Customer support is, in fact, the bridge between your business and its customers.

Good customer support always leads to positive customer experiences, which influences repeat purchases. Research shows that 8 out of 10 customers are likely to make a second purchase as a result of good customer service.

If your customer support department is not running at its most optimum levels, you could be losing revenue or, worse, customers. This article will cover 5 customer support improvement strategies you can implement to ensure your customers have the best brand experience.

5 Customer Support Improvement Strategies That Will Lead To Improved Customer Experience

Train Your Staff

Each customer is different, and so is each member of your support staff. This mixture of diversity creates an uncertain cocktail that is probably leading to bad customer support.

You cannot control how customers behave, but you can train your support staff to always deliver a pleasant experience. No matter how much technology you have in place, it will not make up for untrained staff. You have to look into two key aspects: technical knowledge and soft skills.

The customer support team must be able to answer customer queries correctly and fast. Ensure they have all the technical/product documents at their fingertips.

Empathy, patience, and adaptability are very important soft skills that each customer support rep must inculcate. You are going to experience a wide range of customers: some angry, some impatient, some overly chatty. Reps will have to adapt to the situation and deal with empathy and patience. Being friendly is always going to lead to a positive experience.

Stress The Need For Honesty and Transparency

There’s no brand that can guarantee a hundred percent fault-free service. You are going to make mistakes; there are going to be damaged products, delayed services, and other gaffes along the way.

In every situation, it’s extremely important to maintain transparent and honest communications. Own up to mistakes, be honest about services or features you cannot provide, and be genuine in your apologies. Customers trust honest brands and remain loyal to them. In fact, research shows that 94 percent of customers stay loyal to brands that are transparent.

Monitor And Analyze With Live Call Monitoring

Your customer support agents are people, and they are bound to make mistakes. As a business, your goal is to identify these mistakes in time, mitigate any risks that may arise from the mistake, and also help the agent improve so they don’t repeat the same mistakes.

This requires real-time monitoring and analysis. Fortunately, there are telephony solutions with features like live call monitoring and call recordings that team leaders can use to identify and solve customer support challenges.

With live call monitoring, leaders can perform real-time call supervision and prevent customers from having a bad experience rather than attempting to salvage the situation after an issue has occurred.

Every business department is constantly evolving, and there’s always room for improvement. Make sure you have the right tracking and monitoring technology in place for quality control, like a CRM, telephony solution, task management tools, etc. Technology is the path to call center optimization.

Always Be Available And Reachable

We can’t stress this enough: make it very easy for customers to reach you at any time.

A study found that 60 percent of customers are not willing to wait in a phone queue for more than two minutes, while 13 percent are not willing to accept any hold time at all.

Availability can easily be achieved by implementing a 24/7 customer support service by leveraging an AI-powered customer communication platform. This will ensure that your customers get connected faster and receive prompt service.

Availability is one side of the coin, and the other is ease of access. In today’s multi-platform world, you must ensure that you are reachable from anywhere – Instagram DMs, website chat, email, etc. Basically, you must ensure your business has an omnichannel support strategy in place. Brands with a solid omnichannel strategy have 89% higher customer satisfaction and retention rates than brands without one.

Reachability and availability will together add immense value to the customer experience.

Treat Your Support Agents As Your Customers

Periodic employee feedback will help you understand what the customer support team needs from the business in order to improve. Treat your support reps as your customers – collect feedback, give performance-based rewards, conduct monthly workshops, etc.

More often than not, your support reps will give you the answer to how to enhance the customer support system. Understanding what challenges they face will help you implement the right solutions to enhance customer support.

Final Word

Customer satisfaction is what allows an enterprise to build a sustainable business, and customer support plays a crucial role in delivering positive customer experiences. Focusing on customer satisfaction is the right way to build a loyal customer base that generates recurring revenue.

If your customer support is not running at its best today, it doesn’t mean it cannot improve. By setting measurable and attainable goals and regular performance evaluations, you can greatly improve customer support within a short period of time.

Vijaya heads the Global Support team at JustCall, where he has played a pivotal role in expanding the support team and diversifying its channels and services. Under his guidance, the team consistently earns top customer satisfaction scores. With a passion for team-building, Vijaya is committed to empowering his staff to deliver unparalleled customer experiences. In addition to his managerial responsibilities, he is a certified Leadership Coach, specializing in helping leaders overcome their unique challenges to achieve success.

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