Conversational AI

Ways Conversational AI Can Drive Ecommerce Sales

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized eCommerce. While this technology has transformed many segments within the industry – be it inventory management, accurate revenue prediction, etc. – we are more interested to witness the magic of conversational AI in eCommerce.

For the uninitiated, conversational AI allows brands to simulate human conversations to instantaneously and meaningfully interact with customers. Here’s a deeper look at how conversational AI can increase eCommerce sales.

10 Ways Conversational AI Can Increase eCommerce Sales

1. Personalize Marketing Campaigns

It was back in 2015 when Forrester discovered that 8 out of 10 consumers would choose and pay more for a brand that offers personalized services or experiences. In other words, it is no longer a secret that personalization drives sales.

Conversational AI draws from high volumes of demographic, psychographic, and behavioral customer data to tailor bespoke marketing campaigns. And so, whether it is as simple as addressing the visitor by their names or as complex as orchestrating retargeting campaigns based on behavioral triggers. It will result in higher engagement levels, which will lead the way to more sales.

2. Capture, Qualify & Enrich Leads

Speaking of customer data, AI can drive eCommerce sales by capturing, qualifying, and enriching leads. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can pop up on home, landing, or product pages to engage with potential leads in real-time.

Visitors that respond or share additional information display their interest, even if they are not sales-ready yet. Conversational AI can keep the communication flowing to qualify the lead, nurture them, and ascertain their suitability. At the same time, it can collect background and other additional data across multiple channels to create a 360-degree profile.

Based on such a comprehensive assessment and algorithmic lead score, the conversational AI tool can even chart the future course of action. Such automated workflows make lead management easier and more efficient.

3. Offer Personalized Product Recommendations

As established, being a medium of collecting and working with customer data, conversational AI is conveniently placed to personalize the customer experience. While there are several ways to achieve this goal, personalized product/service recommendation is one of the easiest ways in which conversational AI can increase eCommerce sales. After all, it accounts for 31% of eCommerce site revenues.


In addition to embracing the role of a recommender system, conversational AI can also unlock upselling and cross-selling opportunities. With information on customer purchase patterns, online behavior, and preferences, conversational AI can pitch products to increase average order value and maximize revenue potential.

4. Conduct Emotional Check-ins

Apart from engaging prospects and customers, conversational AI can help monitor engagement levels. By combining Natural Language Processing (NLP) and sentiment analysis, conversational AI performs a multi-dimensional analysis of customer interactions.

Such an empathetic view allows them to comprehend customer sentiments by evaluating the tone, satisfaction levels, and pain points. It can also factor in non-verbal cues such as response times, message frequency, and message length to measure involvement.

These metrics continuously monitor customer engagement and can trigger timely and proactive re-engagement campaigns to prevent churn.

5. Write Smarter Product Descriptions and Meta

Large Language Models (LLMs) are a subset of conversational AI, used to generate textual content. As such, businesses can leverage such technologies to write product descriptions and metadata. All you need to do is feed it product or service features, specifications, and unique selling points to get engaging product description copies.

Plus, you can tweak these according to your brand voice – even when you generate such content in bulk.

Apart from generating fresh content, it can also revamp and optimize existing descriptions to make them more search-friendly. And so, you can use it to populate meta titles, alt-text, and other relevant information to attract organic traffic.

6. Share Order Updates & Notifications

Modern-day eCommerce customers have become increasingly demanding when it comes to order fulfillment. About 61% of consumers are rewarding businesses with long-term loyalty for services like same-day delivery. Conversational AI can be a powerful tool in alleviating such growing anxieties surrounding order-related updates and notifications.


It can share real-time order status, shipping information, and even delivery updates so that customers are in the loop on how products are reaching their doorsteps.

Even in case of delays, conversational AI can step in for firefighting activities and offer viable solutions to the users. Such proactive customer service and transparency will foster long-term loyalty and instill greater trust and confidence to increase sales.

7. Act as Virtual Shopping Assistants

Conversational AI can take on the role of a virtual shopping assistant to curate and manage end-to-end buyer journeys. As a virtual shopping assistant, conversational AI can boost eCommerce sales by:

  • Real-time lead nurturing
  • Sharing product information
  • Addressing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Handling sales objections
  • Nudging the buyer through the purchase journey stages

You can even harness conversational AI to implement dynamic pricing, which conveniently quotes prices that match the customer’s purchasing power.

We’ve also seen how conversational AI can recommend products, which highlights their role in product discoverability while unlocking upselling and cross-selling opportunities. Additionally, it can share stock availability data and even issue alerts when the product is back in stock.

Such an array of activities illustrate how conversational AI can increase eCommerce sales while making businesses customer-centric.

8. Support Voice-Enabled Shopping

With the eCommerce industry turning increasingly competitive, businesses will take any chance they get to gain a competitive edge. In this vein, voice-enabled shopping comes as an excellent solution for eCommerce stores looking to increase their market share.

Powered by conversational AI, voice-enabled shopping taps into this new-age client base that has embraced the hands-free or device-free culture. As a result, voice assistants and smart speakers are the new advocates for your eCommerce store.


These devices capture voice inputs while conversational AI processes them for the appropriate responses. From conducting product searches and completing purchases – conversational AI can help all the way.

9. Help With Social Selling

About 61% of businesses engaged in social selling reported increased revenue than their counterparts that fail to capitalize on it. Such a trend makes sense considering how social media platforms are the new marketplaces. Conversational AI integrates natively with such channels to increase business outreach and accessibility.

It casts a wide net in the target audience, which funnels in highly-qualified leads.


Once they enter your sales funnel, conversational AI can walk them through the purchase journey, from awareness to advocacy, within a singular window! Such a holistic and centralized approach to selling and relationship building allows eCommerce stores to break into new environments and get more sales.

10. Extend Customer Support at Scale

So far, we have discussed how conversational AI can increase eCommerce sales during the pre-purchase cycle. However, post-purchase customer experience is equally vital for earning repeat business, cementing brand positioning, and cultivating customer loyalty.


Interestingly, conversational AI continues to stay relevant even on this front. Conversational AI lays the foundation for the optimization and automation of the customer support process. From redirecting customers to the FAQ page to offering custom resolutions based on support history, conversational AI supports it all.

The technology improves with every iteration and may even escalate pressing issues to human agents as an escape hatch. Either way, the fast, accurate, and responsive customer support mechanism will aid AI in bringing in more eCommerce sales.

Increase Your eCommerce Sales with Conversational AI

In conclusion, AI can increase eCommerce sales in myriad ways – by providing personalized recommendations, improving customer support, streamlining buyer’s journeys, offering assistance, and more. As such, it is a powerful tool for eCommerce businesses.

JustCall comes equipped with a robust AI engine that empowers businesses to stay competitive and deliver engaging shopping experiences. Schedule a demo with us to know more.

With a foundational role at Saas Labs, Anand has been a key player in establishing the Product Management function and spearheading the launch of our Conversation Intelligence solution. His expertise in AI innovation guides both the strategic direction of the products and a team committed to excellence.

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