Business Phone System

Old Business Phone System (And How It Can Affect Business Growth)

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Struggling with an old business phone system? Are you constantly delaying the process of upgrading your phone system due to financial constraints or other raging priorities? Are you unsure about whether to replace or upgrade your way-past-its-prime old phone system? We hear you.

If all these problems seem relatable, it is because they are universal. Many businesses today are still using outdated business phone systems and, in the process, are setting themselves up for failure. While you may have set a plan in motion for the complete digital transformation of your company, ignoring your old phone system can put your business at risk. Let’s understand how.

Top 8 Old Phone System Risks to Keep an Eye Out For

1) Your Old Business Phone System Will Not be Able to Keep Up with the Growing Needs

Without an up-to-date phone system, your bottom line will suffer (as will your customers). As your business scales and its demands grow, your phone system may not be flexible enough to keep up with the dynamic requirements. As a result, your customer service quality may get hampered and your business may lose money.

The learning: It is essential for businesses to innovate with time, or else your business runs the risk of metaphorically aging and dying. So, invest in a flexible and scalable phone system that can keep up with the skyrocketing sales and business growth.

2) Your Old Phone System Won’t be Able to Handle the Volume of Call Center Calls

Did you know that despite the accelerated digitization due to COVID-19, 69% of customers prefer contacting customer service via phone if they have an urgent customer service issue? So, if your phone system is unable to handle the skyrocketing call volume, your customers will look elsewhere. When investing in a phone system, consider the following factors:

  • Will the phone system allow you to add phone lines and access additional handsets as the call volume climbs?
  • Is your current phone system flexible enough to scale with the growing needs of hectic peak times?

The learning: When it comes to urgent issues, customers want their concerns to be handled ‘right away.’ Moreover, they prefer the coveted ‘human touch’ over automated channels such as email, chatbots, instant messaging, and so on. In other words, the preferred communication channel by customers is the mighty phone system. Customer support teams need to be empowered with the necessary tools and platforms to be able to deliver high-quality service with an underlying sense of proactiveness and urgency. 

3) An ‘Always Busy’ Old Phone System is a Recipe for Lost Customers (and Dwindling Business)

As per a report by Zendesk, around 60% of customers feel that long holds and wait times double up as the most frustrating parts of a customer service experience. So, if your phone is always busy and customers have to wait for a long time, you can essentially say goodbye to them.

The learning: During busy times such as product launches, promotional campaigns, time-sensitive advertising and marketing campaigns, and so on, you need to scale up your phone system capacity–customers will call, and they won’t want to wait any longer than 1 minute.

4) You Won’t Be Able to Get Appropriate Maintenance Support

While your business may not have moved on from the old phone system, most manufacturers typically do. Oftentimes, you may find that the particular model you are using is now obsolete or discontinued, making getting support for maintenance a herculean task. Your business may also come head-on with the following crippling challenges:

  • In case the phone isn’t working, you will not be able to get the right kind of maintenance service, which will hamper business growth and sales 
  • In the absence of proper service and support, the quality of calls may suffer, further annoying your customers
  • Your phone system may need additional equipment to function properly or your phone may need compatible new parts, which might be difficult to find

The learning: Like with everything else, even your phone system needs to be upgraded with the changing times. This will also help your business get access to newer functionalities and features that are essential for driving your business forward. 

5) Your Old Phone System Might Not be Mobile-Compatible

An unignorable setback is your phone system’s inability to integrate with your organization’s mobile phones. The phone system may also be incompatible with other sorts of integration such as email, text messaging, and other types of remote communication.

You need the ability to seamlessly transfer calls from the office to your remote team’s mobile phones to be effective.

The learning: With more than 4.7 million people working remotely at least half the time in the United States, setting up your organization’s communication to adapt to the increasing hybrid or work-from-home model is key. If team members are unable to easily transfer calls from the office to their remote team’s mobile phone, blatant gaps in communication will overpower day-to-day working, and productivity will plummet.

6) Your Old Phone Will Not be Feature-Rich

As mentioned earlier, changing communication systems mandates organizations to invest in the latest phone systems that provide a slew of robust features and functionalities. Think of it like this: Would your enterprise still be using a 10-year-old desktop? No, right? The same logic applies to phone systems as well. 

Today’s phone systems are a unique blend of phones and instant messaging platforms. A high-quality and multi-purpose phone system should enable your team members to:

  • Make and receive phone calls worldwide
  • Communicate across multiple platforms and devices with internal and external stakeholders such as your customers, executives, and employees
  • Provide useful features such as instant messaging, SMS service, voicemail, conference calling, call forwarding, live chat, customer relationship management (CRM) database, and so on

The learning: You need a unified phone communication system to stay on par with your competitors and drive end-to-end communication. Without the advanced features mentioned above, your organization will fall short of customer expectations in terms of service and support extended.

7) Your Old Phone System Could be Lowering Your Team’s Productivity (and Sales)

According to the Harvard Business Review, customer service was one of the hardest-hit company functions due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The organization engaged in an AI analysis of more than 1 million customer service calls. Here’s a snapshot of the eye-opening results:

  • The calls were laced with a dramatic increase in customer anxiety and frustration
  • Customer reps were seen struggling to effectively respond to calls

The biggest culprit of this sad reality was the increasing volume of calls. Despite the latest phone systems, organizations struggled to keep up with customer queries. Imagine the scenario if your organization attempted to face customers with an outdated and archaic phone system–pure blunder, right? Not only will your team’s productivity get hampered, but your sales numbers will also go down as more and more customers leave the business unhappy and annoyed.

The learning: To tackle these challenges, the need of the hour is to arm your customer support reps with the latest technology and tools that pave the way for seamless communication. In addition, managers must focus on optimizing remote coaching and drive greater use of collaboration tools so that the agents can tap into each other’s valuable experience and knowledge.

8) Your Phone System Will Eat into Your Profits

You may think that an old system will not drive up your monthly billing, but the opposite is true. If your business continues to make long-distance, international calls, the costs will increase. Add to the mix, the rising wireless internet costs along with the costs associated with additional equipment and maintenance, your profits will go lower and lower.

The learning: Embracing the latest business phone system is first about driving a change in mindset. You need to understand the kind of phone features you want for your business and create a realistic budget for a holistic phone system that enables you to achieve more (by spending less).

The Takeaway

Investing in the latest business phone system is not merely a fad. The right kind of cloud-based phone system provides functional and cost-effective benefits for your business. Before you zero in on a choice, make sure to account for your organization’s communication needs, industry use cases, and customer preferences. Also, make sure to speak to your vendor about the system’s flexibility, scalability, and integration features. Keep these points in mind, and you’re good to go.

With a foundational role at Saas Labs, Anand has been a key player in establishing the Product Management function and spearheading the launch of our Conversation Intelligence solution. His expertise in AI innovation guides both the strategic direction of the products and a team committed to excellence.

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