Business Tools Integrations

Lead Management Made Easy with JustCall & Phone Integration

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Happy alert, users! We’re excited to announce our new JustCall & phone integration!

If you integrate with JustCall, a business phone system, you have unlocked the formula to make 2X sales.

Syncing your VoIP and CRM integration makes the entire sales process more streamlined, it offers twice the benefits.

Handling customer queries is a lot easier when agents have their data right in front of them. Besides, you can build customized workflows as per your business use case.


What is is a complete sales management tool that helps sales teams to track and close deals.

No more spending hours filling out forms.

Being an action-based lead management tool, helps sales teams with their primary goal, i.e., converting prospects into customers.

Moreover, it is a perfect tool for SMBs with sales teams of 1 to 100 sales reps looking for a simple but effective action-based sales tool.

You need not install or maintain any software.

Your account is accessible anytime, anywhere!

What is Possible With JustCall & Phone Integration?

The integration not only increases efficiency but also improves customer experience, data analysis, and management. So, let’s quickly take you through the numerous benefits of the JustCall & Integration.

1. Automated Data Syncing

The integration automatically syncs all the important information between your phone system and Agents do not need to switch between applications.

In this way, agents can reduce manual data entry and work on the leads immediately!

2. Make Calls Directly from the

One of the most promising features of the integration is that you get the click to call icon directly in your CRM beside the contact number. With this, you can make calls directly from

Now, no more spending time and effort in looking up contact details and delivering calls.

Getting rid of such time-consuming tasks means agents have extra time to make more calls. In this way, agents can have a systematic framework in place.

3. Manage Leads Effectively

Right from making the first sales call from your JustCall account to saving all client details in the, you smoothen up the process of lead management.

Agents can create as many sales pipelines as your business needs.

With a visual sales pipeline at hand, you can also see exactly where the leads are in your sales cycle and know which deals to focus on.

4. Post-Call Actions – Call Notes & Disposition Codes

Another great thing about this integration is that it streamlines all the post-call activities for agents.

After ending a call with a customer, the VoIP phone integration with the tool automatically feeds all call details into the tool itself.

Additional VoIP phone functionalities like call recording and call notes can be leveraged through this integration.

5. Profile Badge for Incoming Calls

The noCRM profile badge appears right on the JustCall dialer. The profile badge provides the direct link to the customer profile on

All you need to do is just click on the profile badge. It directly takes you to contact details and previous conversations, texts, calls, and notes made with the client.

Getting the profile badge helps teams to follow-up customers more effectively.

5. Leverage Email & SMS Automation

You can use SMS automation to send SMS to your contacts whenever a certain condition is met. Moreover, you can send automated text messages as a part of follow-up and drip campaigns.

With the integration, you can receive and reply to calls and emails from leads without leaving the platform. This saves you time and improves response time to leads.

6. Analytics & Reporting integration allows you to track team performances and key sales metrics like the numbers of emails sent, calls made, deals closed, and much more.

Moreover, managers can access important call analytics that allows you to track metrics like the number of calls made, and received, time spent on each call, busy-hour analytics, and so on.


7. Schedule Sales Follow-up Processes

Having a sound post-sales process strengthens your relationship with customers.

By integrating JustCall with, you can schedule and assign tasks to different team members. Hand over the list of post-sale processes to the agents with calendar synchronized reminders.

Smart Lead Management Starts Here!

Now that you are aware of the smart features provided by JustCall & phone integration, you are all set to rev up your sales pipelines and close more deals!

If you still want to know more about how the phone integration will help your business win 2X deals, you can quickly book a one-on-one call with our experts today!

With a foundational role at Saas Labs, Anand has been a key player in establishing the Product Management function and spearheading the launch of our Conversation Intelligence solution. His expertise in AI innovation guides both the strategic direction of the products and a team committed to excellence.

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