
By admin Published on: August 25, 2020 Updated on: Event
HoduSoft Billing Webinar

Get to Know About HoduPBX Billing Features – Join Webinar

Much confusion reigns about the role of billing in IP PBX software, especially when you use it in multi-branch operations or provide IP PBX as a service to business customers and to resellers and retailers down the chain. In such instances, you will find it difficult to keep track of all individual customers through a third party billing solution. Plus, your retailers are likely to face the same situation and so will your enterprise customers with multiple branch locations when it comes to accounting. Errors will be the norm and customer complaints will abound, possibly leading to churn and loss of revenues. Hodusoft includes PBX billing software in its IP PBX software and that, at one stroke, does away with a lot of work involved in billing and customer complaints. Join our webinar to know all about PBX billing software. You will be able to ask questions and get all doubts resolved.

Who this webinar addresses

Before we proceed to give you some information on the PBX billing software and how it works (which we will discuss in the webinar in more detail as well), let us inform you of the people most likely to benefit.

  • ITSPs are welcome as are ISPs

  • Telcos will find it useful to enhance knowledge

  • MSPs gain by joining the webinar

  • UC IT consultants and retailers as well as large enterprise CTOs and CEOs

Billing becomes difficult given modular nature of IP PBX

The multi-tenant hosted IP PBX software is modular and lets retailers and resellers offer segmented services with facility to switch on or switch off particular facilities like SMS, IVR, WebRTC, and PBX related features. Then there are others such as:

  • Billing depends on time and traffic as well as service.

  • Billing may also be influenced by distance (local and international calls) and bulk usage.

  • You may, as an enterprise, wish to manage accounts of each branch and monitor usage

  • As a retailer, you may wish to set rates for your customers and know rates charged by your IP PBX service provider

It becomes a nightmare to access Call Data Records (CDR) manually and then prepare customer bills at the end of each period for each customer. Likewise, if you have prepaid customers then it becomes difficult to know usage limits and set cut off or warnings. Including PBX billing solution into the IP PBX software does away with all issues at one stroke. More about these in our webinar which please make sure you attend.

Reduce errors, time and labor

As stated above a separate billing solution entails a lot of work with no guarantee of accuracy. PBX billing included in IP PBX software and an integrated payment gateway contributes to automation and accuracy as well as better service experience for customers. You can include IVR for customers to find out the status, to make payments, and to register complaints. The call data record links with billing in real-time and provides up to the minute stats for each user and each service module. You improve customer loyalty. Resellers and retailers will benefit a whole lot as we will explain in our webinar.

The multi-tenancy factor

This one is for enterprises with branch operations and resellers. Without this feature, you would have a mish-mash billing that includes all customers and it would take hours to resolve each individual customer or user. The multi-tenancy feature simply lets you assign a user as a tenant and the tenant can, in turn, assign tenants within their sub-branch as sub-tenants and so on in a tree-branch structure with individual records and billing for each. Our speakers will delve into details in the webinar and you will be surprised at just how useful this feature is.

Do join Hodusoft’s webinar on IP PBX software and PBX billing integrated into IP PBX.

How to login to the Webinar?

Wed Sep 2, 2020, 8:30 PM India Standard Time – Kolkata
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