Call Center Software

What is Call Center Quality Assurance (QA)?

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Most customers prefer an exceptional service provider to meet their needs and requirements. But if your business is offering anything less than their expectations, get prepared to say goodbye.

Similarly, when a customer calls a call center for queries and requirements, they expect the customer care person of the company to be more efficient and exceptional at their work. But what is call center quality assurance? Let us learn about the same.

What is Call Center Quality Assurance (QA)?

Call center quality assurance is a process where the companies ensure the customers’ customer interaction alignment with their business goals.

Further, it aims to identify common customer issues and help improve customer experience by standardizing customer communication processes. Because making customers happy is the ultimate key to a company’s success. Further, if the customers are satisfied and happy, they remain loyal to the company.

Moreover, call center quality assurance also helps companies to cut down their excess expenses and helps identify inefficiencies in terms of their employees. After all, you don’t want your company to have inefficient customer care and spend excessively to rectify the same. The process also helps in the smooth running of customer care centers or call centers.

Why is QA Important in a Call Center?

QAs investigate, monitor, and provide feedback on agent-customer conversations toward first-class criteria. This guarantees that the agents are on the right track to fulfill customers’ expectations.

The general cause of a QA is to pinpoint overall performance problems, instruct effectively, and enhance first-class standards. Some of the main call center quality assurance feedback examples are:

  • If the agent was able to provide an FCR – first call resolution to the customer on the other end of the call
  • If the agent was empathetic toward the consumer
  • If the agent was using the right tone, script, and language
  • If the agent needs additional training to improve efficiency
  • If the agents were able to build customer loyalty and retention

QAs usually use techniques like call and screen monitoring, agent scoring, KPI measurements, CSAT feedback, and other face-to-face training needs to evaluate agents’ overall performance for additional insights.

What Makes a Good Call Center Quality Analyst (QA) & Their Challenges?

A call center’s reputation is highly dependent on the (QoS) quality of service it strives to continuously improve, so being an effective call center quality analyst is very important.

The Definition of Quality of Service (QoS) for call centers is the ability of the call center to handle different types of customer interactions, such as calls, chats, and emails, with different levels of urgency and complexity.

QA managers monitor the performance of a very large number of agents and direct workflows. They must have the right tools to assess and monitor recorded as well as live calls. Below are some of the skills required for a call center quality analyst:

  • QAs must be well-equipped with exceptional critical, communication-based, and problem-solving skills with solid technical understanding
  • They should have excellent written and verbal communication
  • They must have good interpersonal and customer care skills
  • They should show empathy and understanding towards the agents and provide effective feedback
  • They should be able to give attention to detail
  • They should be able to analyze opportunities for feedback and agent training

Below are some of the challenges faced by call center quality analysts:

  • Streamlining the call and agent monitoring process can be difficult
  • Determining the best monitoring configuration
  • Dealing with an overwhelming amount of data
  • Delivering feedback using call center quality assurance remote tools
  • Misinterpretation of data
  • Spending hours on monitoring calls, emails, and chats
  • Denial of privacy-conscious agents
  • Outdated tools or call center quality assurance software that doesn’t provide many useful features

Different Quality Assurance Frameworks & Top Call Center QA Tools

The quality assurance process of call centers work based on certain frameworks, call center QA metrics, and guidelines that help them access the service provided by the employees in the call center and further monitor each agent’s performance. The frameworks are as follows:

1. Strategic Framework

The strategic framework is considered the highest stage in the call center quality assurance process. Further, they help in dealing with the monthly or yearly objectives of the company in terms of long-term company-wide goals.

Moreover, the quality assurance process’s strategic framework helps quality assurance teams develop a culture of mutual understanding and respect among the employees. It allows them to work effortlessly without micromanaging them.

2. Tactical Framework

The tactical framework is the next stage of the quality assurance process. Further, these frameworks also use trending data that is yearly or monthly to provide the employees with awareness about themselves with an ultimate focus on not only scalability but growth.

The tactical framework focuses on identifying the root cause of detrimental customer assistance with the help of an investment in a better training process. Moreover, the framework focuses not only on how the employees are doing but also on the teams and their notable workflows.

3. Operational Framework

Even though the operational framework is the third and final method, almost all companies begin with the call center quality assurance process with the operational framework.

In this framework, the managers of the companies perform evaluations every month. Further, the findings identify agents whose work is only a little work.

Top Call Center QA Tools

QAs can use the following tools to manage their work:

  • Customizable QA sheets and Dashboards – This helps QAs to see how their team is performing and to identify top and bottom-performing agents or campaigns.
  • Agent Scoreboards – This can be used to draw comparisons, create call center quality assurance checklists, and assess agent performance. These QA scorecards can be customized to match KPIs for the team.
  • Voice and Screen Recording – This gives QA a better view of the customer’s concerns and how they are being handled by the agents.

Benefits of Call Center Quality Assurance

Quality management contact center or call center is a process by which you ensure that your call center meets the organization’s quality standards. This involves monitoring and analyzing customer interactions, identifying loopholes and scope for improvement, and coaching your teams better to improve the overall customer experience.

Call center quality assurance comes with various benefits. These are the benefits:

1. Customer engagement as well as retention

Customer engagement and retention are very important for the development of a company. In most cases, customers complain that the customer care center is negligent and not satisfactory. But one of the most important benefits of the quality assurance process is customer retention and engagement.

Further, it helps the customers feel that the company is concerned about their noteworthy needs.

2. Employees’ experience

The call center quality assurance process also helps to satisfy the customers and employees. If the quality assurance process is done in the right way, it helps build an environment filled with utmost trust and cooperation in the company.

Further, it helps employees actively engage in regular training and coaching programs to make them more productive and happier at work.

3. Development and productivity

The next benefit of quality assurance is that it helps identify areas in the company to improve productivity and development of the same. They further focus on training even high-performing agents to make them more efficient at work. The call centers use various tools for coaching and data analysis, like call routing features.

4. Analysis and Data collection

One of the most important benefits of call center quality assurance is the ability for data collection and analysis. Analyzing data helps both customers’ and agents’ lives be easier. The data collection and analysis automation helps the agents’ work and meets customers’ needs as well.

Moreover, quality assurance also helps the company gain insights into significant customer interactions, such as positive and negative calls. Further, make them available with no shortcomings.

Best Practices for Call Center Quality Assurance 

Previously, we got an idea as to how much the call center assurance is beneficial for the development and progress of the company. Now we will learn about the best practices to follow for call center quality assurance are as follows:

1. Indulge in sharing knowledge as a team

Quality assurance helps provide many opportunities for the team to be part of the company’s planning and improvements. Collaborating with teams and sharing knowledge as a team allows employees to gain some knowledge from one another. This is because they have different skills, but they also have the opportunity to attend to different calls from customers with different queries and needs.

Moreover, some companies do the same with RTA or Real-time assist cards, where the company analyses the call pattern and creates RTA cards based on the answers.

2. Hire a person who is accountable for managing the QA process

Quality assurance managers and evaluators are essential for managing the QA process. Further, they monitor the agents’ performance and direct the workflow operations. So, it is always best to hire an experienced person to manage the quality assurance process.

3. Consistently evaluate

The company should consistently evaluate the performance of the employees. This will help both companies and their employees know the performance and improve it because the performance of each agent can differ with the situation and mood of the person. Constant evaluation helps in fair and accurate assessment of their employees.

4. Regular feedback

Apart from constantly observing the performance of the employees, it is essential to provide regular feedback to the agents. Further, the company should ensure they criticize and constructively provide feedback, wherein the feedback will help improve their work and increase their efficiency.

What Is CSAT and the Importance of a Post-Call Survey?

A CSAT Survey is a customer satisfaction survey, which is one of the most effective ways to collect feedback from customers, usually on a scale of 1-5 or 1-10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest).

Post-call surveys extract real-time feedback from customers to share their experience which is typically done via the IVR menu options. Voice is an important part of customer retention and every call made by the customer is an opportunity to connect with him on a personal level.

A post-call survey identifies if the agent on the call was able to help him or resolve his concerns on that partial call or even as a wholesome experience with the company.

Significance of post-call surveys

  • Companies get the benefit of gaining real-time customer feedback
  • Identify improvement areas
  • Analyze the performance of agents
  • Customers with bad experiences indicate poor performance, which requires training intervention
  • Customers with negative experiences have more room to vent and are more likely to complain publicly or criticize the brand on social media


Call Center Quality Assurance helps businesses to improve their customer interactions and relations. It also helps in driving employees to perform better. With the help of tools provided by JustCall, you can better understand what your business needs to improve related to customer satisfaction.


What is call center quality assurance?

Call center quality assurance means identifying customer issues and rectifying and aligning them with the company goals.

Does quality assurance help in reducing company costs?

Yes, call center quality assurance helps in reducing company costs. So, it could be a good option for your business if you wish to focus more on your core business goals.

What type of feedback helps employees improve their efficiency at work?

Constructive feedback helps employees improve their efficiency at work. Hence, you must ensure giving feedback to your employees regularly.

What are the three different quality assurance frameworks?

The strategic, tactical, and operational frameworks are the different types of quality assurance frameworks.

How will Quality Assurance customer service help a business?

Quality assurance helps in keeping all the tracks in the process to ensure a standard of quality that is needed by everyone. Through service quality assurance, the customers will surely return and will even spread good feedback with their acquaintances to provide you with new customers and, thus, better sales.

When to switch to a Quality assurance customer service tool?

Since the process is a bit time-consuming, researchers and analysts take time to review the interactions. This is the reason why more and more customers are switching to a customer service tool that offers custom scorecards, generates meaningful reports, and uses AI-driven features for better performance.

Why is quality assurance really important?

Customer quality assurance is the most successful metric that can track one’s actual performance in the form of feedback. Also, customers have no idea about the quality standards; they can only tell you to what degree your team is successful in matching their desires.

How to set up a quality assurance customer service program?

To set up a service quality assurance program from scratch, follow the approach mentioned below strategically-

  • Define your goals and standards for happy customers.
  • For each department, plan clear policies.
  • Implement the procedures through proper collaboration.
  • Get feedback and work on them.
  • Measure your results.
  • Communicate the results and findings.
  • Adjust as per the outcome.
How to create a quality assurance scorecard?

While creating a service quality assurance scorecard, always choose the rating scale that meets your needs since it is the backbone of your quality program. Always take your desired time in setting up your rubrics to exactly figure things out for better results in an accurate manner.

Taran, as the Support Manager at JustCall, spearheads efforts to enhance customer satisfaction by strategically collaborating with client-facing teams. He upholds rigorous standards, ensuring JustCall's support services consistently excel. Passionate about superior customer experiences, Taran champions a company-wide dedication to a customer-first mindset.

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