
By admin Published on: September 21, 2020 Updated on: Voice and SMS Broadcasting Software
Voice Broadcasting Software

The Numerous Benefits of Using Voice Broadcasting Software for Business, Governments, Healthcare

There are different ways to reach out to mass audiences. You can use newspapers and use Radio and TV. You can use digital channels such as Whatsapp, SMS, email, and, of course, the standard phone call. All these have some shortcomings or others. Besides, you will find them to be expensive and time-consuming. Then, you have voice broadcasting. With the right voice broadcasting software, you can simply broadcast voice-recorded messages to millions in minutes and be sure that they have received and accessed the message on their mobiles. When immediacy has utmost priority there is nothing like voice broadcasts. There are other benefits too as this post describes.

Who is it for?

Everyone is a brief answer.

  • Governments – cheapest and most effective way to send our mass notifications, disaster warnings, appeals, and instructions to people
  • Healthcare – notify patients about appointments, post-care procedures, billing reminders, new service offers, check-up camps, and so on
  • Education – Send out notifications to parents, teachers, and students, announce exam results, remind them about fees, special classes, and others
  • Business – use voice broadcasting software for sales campaigns, bill payment reminders, new offers, deals, service calls
  • Professionals – issue notifications, payment reminders, appointment reminders
  • Service providers – use multi-tenant voice broadcasting software for internal purposes to remind clients about payments, new offers, and deals and to rent out the software to resellers and to business clients

Hodusoft’s BS software includes voice broadcast as well as SMS broadcast. You can purchase it for on-premise use and you can subscribe to it as a service. Large enterprises with multi-branch operations and VoIP service providers can subscribe to the multi-tenant voice broadcasting software as a revenue generation tool.

Voice is so much better

Hodusoft’s voice broadcast software has quite a few tricks in the box. One is that with the use of artificial intelligence linked to the database it can automate tasks and personalize voice messages. So, instead of a voice message that says “Dear customer,” it will say “Dear Mr. Smith”. Anyway, receiving sales offers or payment reminders is so much more agreeable when you listen to a pleasant voice say so in a nice way. Just to make sure you can supplement the voice mail message with a text message. Takeaway: you are 100% sure that the target has received your message.

Save time, effort, and money

Assign the task of sending out a message through mail, phone, or text to an employee and watch their faces grow long. IT takes time and effort to do this type of boring, routine task. Now, let them do something more productive and interesting while the voice broadcasting software takes over. It is easy, really. You simply pick a list from your CRM database, create a voice message or use text to speech utility, link the two, schedule a time for messages to go out, and click on send.

Read Also: How Voice Broadcasting Software Can Help You Send Personalized Voice Messages On Holiday Season

The system automatically uses the linked IVR or its own standalone dialer to dial numbers, make sure the phone responds, and then deliver the voice message with a confirmation of delivery. If you use an IVR then it becomes even better—recipients can respond (such as when you send out a sales offer or payment reminders). The system is capable of concurrent calls numbering hundreds. This means you can send out thousands of messages in seconds. Governments, for instance, will find this feature immensely useful when warning citizens of a natural disaster or when sending out notifications.

Business benefits

While governments may use it for public service, businesses can use voice broadcast software for customer service and for sales. A small business operator may not be able to afford the services of a call center for the sales campaign. All he has to do is to subscribe to voice broadcasting software when required and send out the sales messages. Leads increase and so do revenues. You can send out messages regularly, say once a week, and stay “visible” to your existing and potential customers. Spend less, and get maximum returns through this digital avenue.

The multi-tenancy feature

Larger enterprises with a number of branches can subscribe to a multi-tenant voice broadcasting software and each branch becomes a tenant, maintaining separate records and accounts. Resellers and VoIP service providers can subscribe to multi-tenant voice broadcast software and then resell service at a profit.

This is a hidden gem. Discover Broadcasting Software and all it can do for you. Just give it a try once, possibly through a free trial offer from the vendor.

Author Bio:

Suchita Panchal is the content writer at HoduSoft since 2019, and she is associated with the content writing field for the past five years. She has written articles on various subjects, i.e., health care, business, digital marketing, SEO, latest trends & technology till now!

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