CCaaS (Contact Center as a Service)

Why Is Tracking & Measuring Contact Center Performance Difficult?

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Contact centers are based on catering to customers’ needs and queries. Their whole operation is user-centric and can make a huge difference in a company’s performance. After all, your business can only succeed if your customers are happy with your products and service.

According to Salesforce’s 2022 report, 73% of customers expect companies to understand their unique needs and expectations. The easiest way to do so is by tracking and analyzing customer behavior through contact center interactions.

Keeping track of call center metrics and statistics seems like a daunting task. However, it is essential to ensure high profitability and productivity.

Hence, each company must establish a customized strategy for performance tracking and measurement. This can be done only when you address and overcome the challenges that affect contact center performance tracking.

Challenges in Tracking and Measuring Contact Center Performance

Tracking all relevant contact center statistics is easier said than done. There are several common challenges that don’t let you track customer support analytics accurately.

Problem: Lack of Customer Support Analytics

Customer support teams deal with huge data volumes regularly. Often, companies don’t possess the analytics capability to organize and track so much data.

With increasing touchpoints, all outdated systems in contact centers need a massive upgrade for adequate QA and monitoring. Failure to do so may lead to loss of sales, poor customer service, and low productivity.

Solution: Implementing Customer Support Analytics Platforms

The lack of customer support analytics can be solved by implementing analytics solutions and integrating modern, automated platforms with existing contact center software.

With JustCall, you can organize customer data from all touchpoints and track activities in real-time. Its automated platform can be integrated with contact center software to get a holistic view of the daily workings of a customer support team.

Problem: Limited Access to Real-Time Reporting and Insights

Most companies have difficulty in gaining insights into contact center metrics in real-time. If you get delayed reports, chances are your window of opportunity to fix the underlying issues is already closed.

Hence, it is necessary to have a real-time view of call center performance so that underperforming areas can be identified and addressed.

Solution: Enhancing Real-Time Reporting and Insights

Your contact center software must support real-time reporting from various touchpoints of your organization. With updated reports and insights, you can track contact center metrics such as agent turnover, first contact resolution, average abandonment rate, customer satisfaction score, etc.

JustCall’s call analytics dashboard helps you track all contact center activity at a centralized place for better performance and insights. You can track live call activity, segregate employee data, and measure campaign performance from any time and place.

Difficulty in Identifying Customer Satisfaction Metrics

Contact center metrics can be of three categories: business-critical, customer-critical, and process-critical. Under each category, there are several metrics related to employee performance, customer responses, and quality management.

To get successful results, a business must identify the customer metrics relevant to its business needs. Only then would there be an increase in customer satisfaction. 

Solution: Establishing Relevant Customer Satisfaction Metrics

Establishing the most relevant customer satisfaction metrics is only possible when you track contact center performance from all angles and identify all the pain points in the workflow.

For instance, if you see a high call drop rate, you should check the average waiting time, first contact resolution rate, etc. This insight comes from an advanced analytics system with comprehensive dashboards and regular reporting features. 

Once you identify and establish the right customer satisfaction metrics for your business, you can maximize profits and boost ROIs without fail.

Why Invest in Tracking and Measuring Contact Center Performance

There are several benefits of tracking and measuring contact center performance metrics:

  • Improve customer satisfaction
  • Higher loyalty and low churn rates
  • Enhanced performance tracking
  • Accurate measurement of company performance
  • Insights into the successes and failures of your existing system
  • Better decision-making based on customer data

All this is made achievable through cloud solutions and automated dashboards for reporting on metrics.

Best Practices for Tracking Contact Center Performance

To track and measure contact center performance effectively, you can follow these best practices:

  • Regularly monitor the performance of customer support channels.
  • Evaluate customer feedback to improve service.
  • Use advanced analytics and data visualization tools.
  • Provide adequate training and support to contact center agents.
  • Update contact center software.
  • Analyze relevant metrics and study reports regularly.
  • Use insights to optimize existing workflows.

Your customer-facing teams can benefit massively from JustCall’s visual dashboard that integrates information across channels for accurate performance tracking.

Final Thoughts

Once you overcome the challenges in tracking contact center performance, you can get informed insights into how your customer support system is working. With these insights, you can optimize tasks for better performance and higher profits.

In the present world, the only way to do this is through cloud dashboards and customer success solutions that understand and address your specific business needs.

With JustCall, you can revolutionize your contact center performance through smart solutions and integrated support. Sign up for the free demo and see the magic!

Vijaya heads the Global Support team at JustCall, where he has played a pivotal role in expanding the support team and diversifying its channels and services. Under his guidance, the team consistently earns top customer satisfaction scores. With a passion for team-building, Vijaya is committed to empowering his staff to deliver unparalleled customer experiences. In addition to his managerial responsibilities, he is a certified Leadership Coach, specializing in helping leaders overcome their unique challenges to achieve success.

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