VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)

VoIP Jitter: How to Measure and Reduce Network Jitter

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With over 41.6 million business lines in 2018 from just 6.2 million in 2010 (in the US alone), the growth of VoIP (voice over internet protocol) systems has been phenomenal. The technology allows organizations to conveniently place phone calls over an internet connection, thus substituting personal cell phone use for work.

However, have you ever wondered about the causes behind the sudden drop in your ongoing VoIP call quality before it returns to normal? 

Well, this frustrating problem is caused by VoIP jitter and packet loss. Such VoIP issues can be challenging to troubleshoot. But with proper knowledge and the right guidance, you can fix these network congestion troubles and enjoy your phone calls with high voice quality.

This post aims to delve deeper into the VoIP jitter issue and how you can measure and reduce it effectively.

What Is VoIP Jitter?

Put simply, a VoIP network jitter is network congestion caused by millions and millions of internet connections (tiny packets of data), all happening simultaneously. Jitter can affect any online activity that depends on real-time communication, such as business calls or video conferences. 

During a VoIP call, information is transported from the computer in small data packets across the internet, which are sent at regular intervals and take a fixed amount of time. A network jitter is when there is a time delay in sending these data packets over the network connection. It is usually caused by network congestion and sometimes also due to route changes.

In purely technical terms, jitter VoIP refers to the variability over time of the network latency. The acceptable latency of VoIP here is the time taken for one packet of data to pass along its route. Jitter can differentiate between a successful VoIP call and an annoying, glitchy one.

Causes Of VoIP Jitter

Since VoIP technology uses your internet connection to make phone calls, factors that affect your internet connection will invariably affect your call quality. Although the exact reason for network jitter is hard to determine, some of the possible reasons for it could be-

Wireless networks

Although Wi-Fi offers much mobility and flexibility to users, it is often weaker than wired connections. On top of that, if you connect too many devices (10+) to a single Wi-Fi connection, the chances of crossing acceptable jitter for VoIP are high. 

Network overcrowd

Another common reason behind VoIP bandwidth jitter is network congestion. Connecting a large number of devices to the same network runs the risk of running out of bandwidth quickly, thus leading to data packets being dropped/ delayed. 

Hardware not updated

Modem, cables, routers, and switches are all essential to ensure the working of the internet connection. However, an outdated router, modem, or low-quality ethernet cable can severely impact your overall VoIP call quality. 

How Can You Measure Acceptable Jitter For VoIP?

To know the extent of network congestion or interruptions, there are several ways you can measure it. These include-

Online Speed tests

Online speed tests can offer excellent insights into network bandwidth, latency issues, and packet loss. Some of the best online speed tests to use here include-

Ookla’s speed test: 

One of the most popular speed test tools, Ookla simply displays your internet speed and ping. For instance, if your ping is high (>150ms), the chances of experiencing disruptions in call quality are also high.

Cloudfare’s internet speed test: 

The website automatically tests your internet speed once you visit it and displays various parameters such as latency, download and upload speed, and network jitter.

Advanced network monitoring tools

Big companies usually have access to advanced network monitoring tools, which help them monitor both incoming and outgoing traffic at the router level. They send alerts when they notice max jitter for VoIP, low bandwidth, or packet loss.

Some network monitoring tools for businesses include Solarwinds network performance monitor, DataDog monitoring, Auvik etc. 

Ways To Reduce VoIP Jitter

Experiencing VoIP jitter can quickly lead to a poor calling experience and often leaves you wondering how to improve latency and consistently reduce jitter on all your calls. To avoid this, here are some of the ways you can use to reduce jitter on VoIP calls-

Use an ISP that offers enterprise-grade VoIP services

Several consumer-grade ISPs available today aim to deliver an excellent web surfing experience. However, they don’t prioritize this type of traffic even though they may generally support various protocols involved in VoIP calls. 

A high-speed, business-class solution helps in such a scenario because it may provide a calling experience that’s more consistently jitter-free.

Make use of a jitter buffer

Jitter buffer refers to a device you can install on a VoIP system to manage latency and network delay issues. It works primarily by causing a delay in inbound data packets and storing them for a short time to ensure that they arrive in the correct order.

It is important to remember that this would usually be effective for minor troubles. Still, if they are way beyond the tolerance levels, the best way to improve performance is to increase the buffer size.

Work on optimizing your bandwidth

One of the other best ways to reduce latency and VoIP jitter requirements is by deploying dedicated practices that reduce traffic by limiting your network usage and therefore reducing bandwidth hogs. Some of these practices include-

  • Throttling cloud backup applications
  • Limiting or completely blocking streaming sites
  • Centralizing your application/OS updates
  • Using hosted filtering
  • Adjust your hardware settings

Making some quick hardware adjustments can also help to improve the quality of your calls significantly. For example, instead of running IP phone devices at a high range (above 5 GHz), ensure that your phones are running in the 2.4 GHz range, as it will eliminate network interference. 

Apart from this, you can also upgrade the routers, ethernet cables, etc., that constitute your internet connection to manage your VoIP calls and reduce instances of jitter.

Enable quality of service (QoS) prioritization

One of the other reasons why a VoIP call network gets congested is that during the process, other data transfers come in between and saturate the network. 

You can avoid this by scheduling data transfers for the relaxed hours of the day and making way for VoIP phones.

It helps you ensure that your bandwidth remains intact instead of being spent on on-voice traffic.


Managing VoIP latency jitter requirements is one of the most annoying of all VoIP troubles that can affect the clarity and quality of calls. This post has shared some effective ways to measure and fix jitter issues. 

It is, however, important to remember that some of the jitters are because of service providers and not due to the above-mentioned reasons. This is why securing a high-quality, stable network connection is crucial first if you rely heavily on VoIP systems.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does network jitter affect internet speed?

While Jitter and internet speed work alongside new hardware, modern internet connections, and proper network configuration, the issues related to internet speed can be minimized. However, VoIP services rely heavily on internet speed, which can cause jitter. So, the internet speed affects jitter and not the other way round.

How can we reduce jitter in the workplace?

Controlling jitter in the workplace requires trial and error to identify the real issue, such as testing your connection, checking the router, or investing in a jitter buffer.

What is acceptable jitter for VoIP?

Acceptable jitter for VoIP is what we are willing to accept as the minimum possible fluctuation in transmission.

What is the relationship between latency and jitter?

Since jitter is primarily a product of inconsistent latency for data packets moving between servers, jitter can be reduced by minimizing your latency time.

What are the factors that directly cause high jitter?

These include network congestion, old hardware, wireless connections, high CPU, proxy server setups, and incorrect VPN endpoints.

With a foundational role at Saas Labs, Anand has been a key player in establishing the Product Management function and spearheading the launch of our Conversation Intelligence solution. His expertise in AI innovation guides both the strategic direction of the products and a team committed to excellence.

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