E Commerce Industry

SMS Bots – A Guide to Supercharge your Online Business

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In a world where everything is available at a click of a button, customers now expect a quick and accurate response to their queries and problems at all times. 

Providing 24/7 support to your customers is not easy. A dedicated support team can be expensive and may not be feasible for everyone to implement.

That being said, one of the most exciting developments in this area that can be a great boon to businesses is the rise of SMS bots.

SMS bots are automated chatbots that use SMS messaging to communicate with customers, making them a versatile and potent piece of technology to have in your marketing and customer service arsenal. 

By harnessing the power of SMS bots, you, too, stay ahead of the curve in the exciting world of mobile e-commerce.

What are SMS Bots, and How are They Different from SMS Campaigns?

SMS Bot allows you to train your SMS-enabled number to auto-reply customer queries. Customers queries and questions can be answered effectively with the SMS bot.

This will save you numerous hours, help you scale your operations, make your customers happier & convert more leads.

On the other hand, SMS campaigns are a set of SMSs you can use to share information with your customers. These are pre-defined templates you can use to keep the customer engaged.

SMS campaigns can also be supercharged with SMS bots so all the replies to the campaigns can be handled effectively.

Benefits of Using SMS Bots

SMS bots have become increasingly popular in the mobile e-commerce industry as they provide businesses with a wide range of benefits. Here are some of the key benefits of using them in mobile e-commerce:

1. Boosts Customer Engagement

SMS bots can be a powerful tool to boost customer engagement.

Businesses can increase customer engagement and foster long-term relationships by sending targeted messages and promotions based on customers’ history or based on their interests.

SMS bots can also provide customers with real-time updates on their order status, shipping information, and other important notifications, which is a great way to keep customers engaged with the brand.

2. Increases Sales

SMS bots can aid in increasing sales by sending customers personalized recommendations and promotions.

They can also send reminders to customers who have abandoned their shopping carts, thus, encouraging them to complete their purchases. This proactive approach can help recover lost sales and improve a business’s overall figures.

3. Improves Conversion Rates

A complicated or frustrating shopping experience is one of the biggest reasons for failed conversions. SMS bots can solve this issue as they can help streamline the entire shopping experience for customers.

They can do everything from placing orders, giving customers timely updates on the status of their shipments, and even helping streamline the payment process, increasing conversions. 

4. Enhances Customer Satisfaction

“How to improve customer experience?” is perhaps the most important question to focus on in any business.

SMS bots are perhaps the most reliable and convenient customer support system available for businesses today. Businesses can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty by providing quick and easy access to information and assistance.

SMS bots can also provide personalized support, which can go a long way in keeping customers happy and building brand trust and customer loyalty. 

5. Provides a Reliable and Unfailing Support System

After the introduction of an SMS bot in your support system, you will get rid of multiple dependencies that you had to handle before. Some other factors that make SMS bots a reliable solution are:

Zero reliability on the internet for giving assistance to customers.
You don’t need to update any code on your website for the SMS bot. This zero engineering dependency is an additional benefit that is available with the SMS bot.
Your business phone number gets intelligent(not artificially), and each customer query is handled in the most humane way possible without any delay.
Providing instant and correct information to the customers from the database with zero manual efforts is one of the matchless features of the SMS bot.

Whether your team is available or not, the SMS bot will be active round the clock for your customers.

How SMS Bots Can Assist Your Business in Support and Growth

The use of SMS automation in business processes has become increasingly common in recent years, and for a good reason.

Automation can bring numerous benefits to businesses, and SMS bots are rapidly becoming popular for this very reason. 

By leveraging the power of automation, SMS bots can help businesses increase efficiency, save time, and enhance the customer experience. They can automate many support functions, such as answering customer inquiries, processing orders, and providing real-time updates.

This helps improve the efficiency of support teams and provides customers with faster and more convenient support.

Additionally, SMS bots can be programmed to collect data and insights, which can help businesses make informed decisions and drive growth. Here are a few ways in which SMS bots can help elevate your overall customer experience.

1. Solving Queries in Real-Time

SMS bots ensure dynamic and real-time information is shared with the customer anytime and every time, around the clock. With webhooks and API integrations, you can fetch and show current and accurate information to the customer.

Giving live details regarding the status of the cart, product availability, shipping, and so on can be one of the many applications that are possible with an SMS bot.

With these real-time responses, your customers will have a personalized and friendly experience.

Even your team members can jump into the conversation if they feel the bot is not handling the query in the best possible manner. With this quick barging feature, your customers can have the best experience with your business.

2. Keeping Customers Updated On Their Account Status

Customers can inquire about their accounts current status.

With an SMS, you don’t need to check and respond to customers with their account and other details. All the basic and frequently asked details would be fetched from the database and replied to via an SMS bot without human intervention.

This ensures that your customer doesn’t need to wait for hours before getting the details related to the account.

3. Handling Responses to Bulk SMS Campaigns and Other Marketing Efforts

Bulk SMS marketing is the most efficient and cost-effective way to stay connected with your customers. It skyrockets your marketing efforts and works as an accelerator for establishing communication.

The most attractive feature that makes experts love SMS is that it has an open rate of 98%. But with such a high open rate, it is completely possible that you will be getting numerous queries and questions regarding your offers.

SMS bots can act as a net here, catching all the responses and answering them with 100% efficiency. This solves the issue of hiring and training multiple support executives depending on the size of your marketing campaign.

SMS bots can also handle any number of queries and customers while leaving zero queries unresponded. This kind of efficiency can help you scale your marketing efforts without considering the number of queries.

Similarly, an SMS bot can ensure complete support in the case of other marketing efforts, too, like social media and Google Ads.

After these campaigns are live, your business phone number will be swarmed with a plenitude of queries. SMS bots can handle and respond to any number of queries; this certainly can be a game-changer for your marketing campaigns.

4. Assisting in Product Recommendations, Offers, and Completing Purchases

Many a time, it happens that the customer does not complete the purchase and leaves the items in the cart.

This confusion regarding the purchase can be answered by providing tips and suggestions based on the items in the cart and previous purchases.

Here, SMS bots can ensure a quick response to all the queries and relevant tips and suggestions related to the customer query.

Customers also often inquire about ongoing deals with online shopping businesses. SMS bots can assist your customers in their purchases by providing them with details related to discounts on any specific product.

Using WebHooks and APIs, SMS bots fetch all the relevant details from the database and send them to the customer.

This kind of instant and active engagement via SMS bots builds a healthy relationship with customers, which is of paramount importance if you wish to provide them with an unparalleled customer experience.

5. Personalizing the Online Shopping Experience

Who doesn’t enjoy a personalized shopping experience?

SMS bots can help businesses enhance the online shopping experience by providing targeted promotions, recommendations, and updates based on a customer’s past interests.

By leveraging customer data and insights, SMS bots can create a bespoke shopping journey for each customer, drastically increasing the chances of conversions. 

How to Build an SMS Bot with JustCall:

1. Create and Setup Your Bot

In JustCall, you can head over to the Create Bot section under SMS/MMS, then click on Add to start creating a bot.

A screen will pop up where you can name your bot and click on Proceed, and the bot will be created.

Once your bot is created, you’d need to choose a number for your bot from your existing JustCall number. Choose the number from the dropdown box, and click on Save Changes.

2. Enter the Keywords

In order to set a static reply, enter the keywords in the box for which the SMS bot will respond; you can add multiple keywords separated by commas.

Once you set the keywords, select Text from the Action dropdown box for a static reply.

Lastly, enter the reply you want to give to your customers once they enter the specific keyword. Then, click on the Save Changes button.

3. Set Up Dynamic Replies and Send Automated Replies

In order to set a Dynamic reply for your customers, you’d need to set up a WebHook for the same first. For e.g., if a customer is inquiring about the cashback on a particular order, you can show them the same.

To set up a WebHook, you’d need to head over to the Create action section and then click on Add a WebHook. A screen will pop up in front of you where you can enter the details of your WebHook.

You’d need to give a title for your WebHook, enter the WebHook URL, select the method GET or POST from the drop-down box, enter the parameter you want to pass on, and click on Done.

4. Set up a Menu

You can set up a whole menu for your customers, too. For that, you’d need to create a menu.

In order to create a menu, head over to Create Action, then click on the Menu.

The Bot Menu will look somewhat like this:

Once you’ve created the menu, you can head back to the Create Bot section, click on the bot you created, and then click on the new keyword.

Enter the keyword, go to the action Menu from the drop-down, and select the menu you created.

The bot is finally created.

You can also check the workings of your bot by sending a message to your bot-enabled number as follows:

Best Practices for Implementing SMS Bots in your Online Business

As with any new technology, it’s always best to follow a few best practices to maximize your investment. Remember these when implementing an SMS bot in your online business. 

1. Define Clear Objectives

For a bot to work efficiently, you must clearly define its objectives.

Next, consider the duties you want the bot to perform, such as customer service, order processing, or marketing. This will assist you in designing the bot’s functionality and messaging to be consistent with your business goals.

2. Integrate with Existing Systems

Proper integration with your existing systems is essential for the bot to do what it is intended to do. Ensure the bot can access all the relevant data it needs to help your customers without any glitches.  

Successful Implementation of SMS Bots

SMS bots are proving incredibly valuable for businesses, including e-commerce giants. Let’s take a look at some of the most successful SMS bot implementations by some of the biggest brands in the world.

1. Pizza Hut – Order Automation

Pizza Hut has successfully implemented an SMS bot for order automation. Their SMS bot simplifies the ordering process by allowing customers to place an order with just a few simple steps.

The bot also allows customers to share their location via GPS or manually. This system has helped Pizza Hut increase its digital revenue by 75-80%.

2. Nike – Conversational Marketing Tool

Nike is another brand that has successfully implemented an SMS bot as a conversational marketing tool. The Nike StyleBot for Facebook Messenger enables fans to customize their shoe design by putting any image on their sneakers.

This conversational marketing strategy has proven incredibly successful, with Nike achieving a 12.5 times higher click-through rate than their other campaigns.

3. Etsy – Personalized 24/7 Customer Support

Etsy has leveraged SMS bots for personalized 24/7 customer support.

The company has created a Twitter DM chatbot that provides shoppers with customized customer service, fixes problems immediately, and helps customers find the information they need any time of the day or night. 

Challenges of Using SMS Bots in Your E-commerce Business

While SMS bots can be incredibly useful in automating and streamlining your e-commerce business, it has a few drawbacks that one can expect from the AI technology available today. 

1. Setup and Maintenance

Setting up and maintaining an SMS bot requires careful management. This includes designing the bot’s programming to recognize user input. It also involves testing the bot thoroughly to ensure it functions correctly and makes sense to users.

Finally, once the bot is up and running, it requires regular maintenance, updates, and bug fixes to ensure it remains valuable and relevant to your customers.

2. Potential for Spamming

One of the risks of using SMS bots is their potential for spamming. Therefore, ensuring that your bot complies with SMS marketing laws and regulations is essential to avoid sending unwanted messages to customers.

This includes obtaining explicit consent before sending promotional messages and making it easy for users to opt out of receiving messages.

3. Unhelpful Support

AI cannot fully replace a human being, at least not today. An SMS bot may only do what it is programmed to do.

If a customer encounters a problem the bot cannot solve, they may become frustrated and dissatisfied with their experience. Therefore, ensuring that your customers can quickly reach a human representative is essential.

4. Lack of Empathy

Finally, one of the challenges of using SMS bots is the need for more empathy. While a bot can provide helpful responses, it may not be able to understand the customer’s emotions and provide personalized advice.

This is where human representatives can be invaluable, providing empathy and understanding that a bot cannot.

While SMS bots have great potential to improve the customer experience and streamline your e-commerce business, it’s essential to acknowledge their limitations and be prepared to address them accordingly. 


Customer support is one of the strongest pillars in the growth of a business and the best strategy for standing out from the competition.

With excellent support, your business will get more repeat and happy customers. There are no two ways about it.

With SMS bots, your business can provide instant, accurate, and round-the-clock customer information and support. You can handle each and every query of your customers without any delay, perfecting your “No customer left behind” strategy.

Mobile e-commerce will be big in the coming years, and with rapid improvements in the world of AI and automation, SMS bots can be an invaluable asset in your business arsenal. 


What is an SMS bot in an online shopping business? 

An SMS bot is an automated software application that uses text messaging to communicate with customers and provide them with information, assistance, or support during online shopping.

What are the benefits of using an SMS bot in an online shopping business? 

The benefits of using an SMS bot in an online shopping business include the following:

  • Boosts customer engagement
  • Increases sales
  • Improves conversion rates
  • Enhances customer satisfaction
  • Provides a reliable and unfailing support system
How does an SMS bot impact sales and conversion rates in an online shopping business? 

An SMS bot is a great answer to the question, “How to increase sales online?” It can significantly impact sales and conversion rates in an online shopping business by providing customers with a seamless and personalized shopping experience.

Is an SMS bot suitable for all types of online shopping businesses?

While SMS bots can be beneficial for most online shopping businesses, their suitability depends on various factors, such as the size and complexity of the company, the target audience, and the nature of the products or services offered.

Therefore, it’s essential to assess the specific needs and goals of the business before implementing an SMS bot.

Saya Augustin serves as the Associate Director of Marketing at SaaS Labs, bringing over a decade of expertise in diverse marketing disciplines. Her career encompasses successful Go-to-Market launches, Customer Engagement strategies, Account-Based Marketing, Demand Generation, and streamlined Marketing Operations. Shaped by the fast-paced and innovative environment of start-ups, Saya has honed her skills through practical experience with cutting-edge marketing technologies and platforms.

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