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Our CX Accelerator Board of Directors

We have big time news for CX Accelerator! We've been on the path to establish the organization as a non-profit to help amplify our mission of equipping CX professionals on every stage of their career journey. A HUGE piece in this puzzle is the creation of our Board of Directors....

Please join me in welcoming Matt LylesJuanita ColeyJim RichSally Mildren and Justin Robbins who have graciously offered to serve in this way. These incredible folks have been investing in CX professionals for many years and are the perfect team to guide us into the future. 😁🎉

If you've not yet jumped into the CX Accelerator community, now is the time. It is free and will always be free for our members. It is meant to be a gift to the CX community as we navigate these challenging times together. We'd be honored to have you! Learn more about our board and join using the link below.

We strongly believe that there is something special about Customer Experience work and the people who do it. When we make the investment in CX professionals, we are building stronger companies, communities, and societies. Let's work together to design experiences that matter! Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or to partner with us in 2024.

Nate Brown, Executive Director

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