Lead Scoring

Improve Sales Efficiency with Effective Lead Scoring Process

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Every company wants its sales department to operate as efficiently as possible. This is why salespeople should focus on those prospects who are the most likely to convert. Once they have done so, they can then begin the process of lead scoring.

To know more about what lead scoring is, we’re going to dive deeply into the same in the sections below.

What is Lead Scoring?

Simply put, lead scoring is a process by which salespersons determine as to which stage of the buying journey their prospects are at, which they do by assigning their leads numerical values.

The higher the value, the more promising the lead. It is, therefore, a point-based system that relies on data to generate hot prospects.

These points are assigned on the basis of multiple sources of information. Broadly, this can refer to the:

  • Information the prospective consumer has submitted to your company
  • Online behavior tracking
  • Past purchases, and so on

Such information sources can vary from company to company.

For some companies, online behavior can be the most important source, while for others, it could be based on past purchases, and so on.

Under ideal circumstances, the points should be based on all the information companies have on their prospects.

For better accuracy, a lead scoring strategy should consider as much consumer information as possible.

After that, leads are ranked so that sales teams can spend their time and resources in an optimal way.

How Does the Lead Scoring Process Work?

Companies start the lead-scoring process by using models that assign numerical values to leads. These values represent the interest and affinity the lead has with your product.

Typically, these values range from 1 to 100, and indicated that the higher the score, the more the chances of conversion.

These lead scoring models used to depend on the nature of the business and its product or service.

For example:

  • If the product is a type of insurance for senior citizens, information about age will be useful
  • If the company sells only in a certain region, information about the prospect’s location will be necessary

Demographics apart, many other factors can be in play. With a B2B business, leads can be ranked according to the:

  • Type of company
  • Needs
  • Growth prospects.

Businesses with a significant web presence need to look at their online behavior to rate their prospects, that is:

  • What purchases have the prospects made in the past
  • How many times have they visited your website
  • Have they replied to marketing emails?
  • Are they active on social media, and have they mentioned your brand? Etc.

Lead scores can also be assigned based on whether the prospect is a new consumer or has been a consumer in the past. Here, the questions that need to be asked are about repeat sales and whether there is an upselling opportunity, and so on.

The Advantages of A Lead Scoring Strategy

Companies that adopt an effective lead-scoring strategy have several advantages over the rest, such as: 

  • Optimizing Time and Effort

You can generate endless leads, but a sales team’s time is always at a premium. Lead scoring enables you to focus only on the important leads who are close to conversion

  • Striking When the Iron Is Hot

Companies often lose out because they have failed to recognize when their leads are ready. This is where lead scoring comes in handy, as your salesforce gains an idea of when and how to talk with the customers or prospects based on their rank. 

  • Marketing and Sales Alignment

When marketing and sales departments are jointly aware of the criteria for assigning values to leads, they can work in tandem. Their efforts can complement one another to create a seamless sales framework.

  • Consistent Revenue Stream

When the lead scoring process works well, new customers are onboarded efficiently and regularly. This can ensure a trackable and more efficient revenue stream.

  • Improved Targeting and Segmentation

An intelligent lead-scoring model helps your company filter out promising customer segments from the masses. It helps your sales team as they are able to prepare customized pitches to convert your prospects.

  • Increased Sales and Marketing Efficiency

A lead scoring system helps your sales and marketing team measure the readiness of a potential customer segment.

Those leads with the most promising scores have the highest potential for conversion, allowing your sales team to communicate at a ripe time with them.

  • A  Better Understanding of Lead Quality

Sales lead scoring helps evaluate the quality of business generation and its value w.r.t your target customer segment. It’s an amalgamation of potential sales parameters that signal whether a prospect is ready for the conversion journey or not.

  • Increased Conversion Rates

A successful lead-scoring model is known for its higher conversion rates. Again, conversion rates get measured against the total lead generation and the number of converted leads.

It’s rare to have a perfect conversion rate, but anything above 4%-10% is considered promising for further lead generation.

Setting Up Lead Scoring

Defining The Target Audience

The advantage of lead scoring in Salesforce includes customized prospect choices to make suitable parameters for maximum engagement. If the lead gains points, it gets prioritized as a potential hot pursuit for the sales team looking to convert.  

Identifying Key Factors

Any lead scoring system includes explicit and implicit parameters to bolster the chances of high lead conversion rates, namely:

  • Demographic data (age, gender, etc.)
  • Online browsing behavior
  • Social media engagement
  • Content preference
  • Personalized customer feedback

Setting The Lead Score Thresholds

A lead scoring model is ineffective without its threshold value.

The threshold value helps provide a numerical value to ascertain when your potential lead prospect is sales-ready for the marketing team to move in for converting them.

This model makes it easy for the sales team to concentrate on the most promising leads for conversion.

Testing And Refining the Lead Scoring Model

The best way to test your lead scoring model is by checking with your sales and marketing teams.

If the sales team confirms a higher acceptance rate, your leads have a better chance for optimum conversions. If the scores are high as marketing qualified leads, you are ready for great conversion rates. 

Implementing Lead Scoring

Integrating Lead Scoring into Marketing Automation Platforms

Integrating your lead scoring system with automated marketing solutions helps bolster the prioritizing of the best-performing leads by the sales team. Besides, it allows them to tweak the necessary parameters to be able to boost lead scores over time.

Applying Lead Scores to Sales and Marketing Efforts

An efficient lead-scoring model helps incorporate efficient lead tracking across platforms based on parameters such as:

  • Email follow-up
  • Website activity
  • Online behavior

These parameters enhance sales and marketing track and enrich the potential customer link with efficacy.

Measuring The Effectiveness of Lead Scoring

The best way to know if your sales lead scoring seems effective is to compare it to a uniform set of specific targets.

It helps you track the latest conversion rates and make suitable improvements to add effective lead parameters or remove obsolete ones for an enhanced customer response.

Tools to Calculate Lead Scores

At a basic level, the lead-scoring process can be carried out manually in the following manner:

  • Based on a company’s lead-conversion ratio, attributes can be assigned to those who became customers and those who did not
  • These attributes can then be checked against new leads
  • After the above step, the relevant scores can be assigned

The manual system has a drawback in the form of being laborious and time-consuming. In addition, it may be unable to efficiently track all the attributes for an accurate lead score.

This is why companies nowadays prefer to opt for automated data mining and lead scoring. This is because these processes:

  • Can speedily handle complexity and a large number of attributes with ease and deliver accurate scores
  • Offer predictive lead scoring, which uses an algorithm to predict which leads are most likely to convert in the future, and is therefore a shortcut to boost sales efficiency

Some Examples

  • The tool from Hubspot is among the most popular, as it promises productive sales follow-ups by scoring contacts across thousands of data points
  • SalesForce is another useful tool, as it automatically evaluates inbound leads with grades from A to F.
  • Other forms of automated tools such as JustCall, are also important, as its AI-powered call scoring enables an analysis of sales and support calls by individual agents and teams

Some Lead Scoring Best Practices

After adopting a lead scoring strategy, it is important to keep the following practices in mind for the best results:

  • Automation Should Not Replace Intuition

At times, an experienced sales force will have a gut feeling about a prospect’s chances of conversion. Lead scores should not be a substitute for this, as they may lead to unwanted consequences. 

  • Regular Maintenance and Upgrades

Lead scores should be regularly audited to ensure that they are delivering results. The data should be scanned for its usefulness, and new data sets should be considered periodically.

  • Setting The Right Criteria

The criteria for assigning lead scores should be discussed beforehand with the sales and marketing teams. This will ensure that the scores are based on ground-level reality. 

It will also offer a chance for sales and marketing departments to work in a synchronized fashion.

  • Considering Negative Scores

Though lead scoring points to factors that lead to a certain scale, it can also make sense to consider factors that minimize the chances of a sale. With such information, sales and marketing efforts can be concentrated in the long run for better results.

  • Integrating Existing Tools

Companies with existing CRM and other automated sales tools should make sure that these are integrated into the lead-scoring process. This provides a holistic understanding of prospect behavior and can sharpen sales focus.

Lead Scoring Summed Up

Lead scoring is the next productive step after lead generation. It helps to identify prospects who are the best and are ready to move up the sales pipeline.

In this process, values are assigned to leads on the basis of their:

  • Demographics
  • Psychographics
  • Past purchases
  • Online behavior 

As seen above, an efficient lead-scoring strategy, therefore:

  • Helps streamline effort and time
  • Fuses sales and marketing
  • Ensures regular revenue streams


What Do You Mean by Lead Scoring?

Lead scoring is a system used by sales and marketing to check the usefulness of leads and potential customers. It attaches values to leads based on data relating to past behavior and interests.

What Is a Lead Scoring Tool?

Such tools are software that automatically ranks leads based on pre-assigned criteria. They reveal the prospects who are most likely to become customers.

What Is Predictive Lead Scoring?

Predictive lead scoring utilizes automated techniques to rank all sales leads. This helps in higher conversion rates and reduces the time spent to qualify leads.

How Can I Optimize My Lead Scoring Model for Better Results?

You can optimize your lead scoring model for better results with the help of the following practices:

  • A personalized customer approach and automated lead management
  • Pick customized parameters
  • Weed out your poor lead results
  • Incorporate sales and management for best practices
What Are Some Common Lead-Scoring Challenges, and How to Overcome Them?

The greatest challenge to your sales lead system comes from the sales and management team. Ensure that you’ve them optimized to ensure seamless customer landings.

What’s the Difference between Traditional and Predictive Lead Scoring?

Traditional lead scoring provides valuable data to compensate for no previous experience through extensive manual mining, whereas predictive lead adds machine-friendly and automated data for ease of use.

How Do I Measure the Effectiveness of My Lead-Scoring Process?

Compare your lead scoring models with existing threshold values and conversion rates to check if they reflect the customer’s persona.

With a foundational role at Saas Labs, Anand has been a key player in establishing the Product Management function and spearheading the launch of our Conversation Intelligence solution. His expertise in AI innovation guides both the strategic direction of the products and a team committed to excellence.

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