7 Apps to Identify Fonts

updated May 15, 2024
Reading time7 minutes
Jaqueline Corradi
Jaqueline Corradi
Content Manager

Have you ever needed to identify fonts from a PDF, or an image on the internet? To simplify that task, you can count on apps and websites that enable you to quickly discover which font is, and help you to find similar ones as well. That's very useful for designers, for instance, who are looking for fonts to create a logo, use in a banner, or a web page. 

The font type you choose needs to be aligned with the brand's visual identity, and match the rest of the graphic elements. Pay attention if the font is easy-to-read, and also select a font color that has good contrast with the background color. 

7 Apps to Identify Fonts

1. What Font Is

The What Font Is website allows you to quickly identify fonts by just uploading an image. Empowered with an artificial intelligence font finder, it counts with a catalog of more than 820,000 fonts, free or commercial. Besides, it's able to identify over 60 fonts in the same image. 

What Font Is website home page

2. What The Font

Did you like the font used in a banner, social media cover, or flier, and want to use the same font or a similar one? With the What The Font website, it's possible to know which font was applied to an image in just a few seconds. 

All you have to do is upload the image, select the font you wish to identify, then check the results. The website counts on a large collection of fonts to deliver you the best results. 

What the font website home page

3. Fonts Ninja

An important part of designing a website layout is searching for pages that follow the same aesthetic you wish to use. It helps you to get inspired, have new ideas, and also to find great fonts that are perfect for your project. 

Fonts Ninja browser extension enables you to identify fonts, try them out on your texts, then purchase the ones you like. It will save you a lot of time since you won't need to search for them manually. 

Fonts Ninja home page

4. Fontspring Matcherator

With a catalog of more than 90,000 free and paid fonts, the Fontspring Matcherator identifies fonts used in images and gives you the option to download or purchase them. Access the website, upload the image, or insert the image URL, and select the fonts you want to try out. 

Fontsrpring Matcherator home page

5. Identifont

Did you see a font that matches perfectly with your design project, but you don't have an image of the font? The Identifont website can help you with that. It enables you to find fonts by appearance, name, similarity, picture, designer, or publisher. 

For example, to identify fonts by appearance, you will need to answer several questions, such as "do the characters have serifs?", "what style does the $ have?", "what style is upper-case Q tail?".  Then, Identifont will analyze the answers, narrow down the possibilities, and give you a list of fonts with characteristics similar to the ones you described. 

Identifont home page

6. Serif Font Identification Guide

Do you have a font type in your mind, but can't recall its name? With the Serif Font Identification Guide, you can find a serif font by pointing out its characteristics, such as the 'a' shape, the 'e' bar format, the 'J' hook format, the 'k' legs and serifs, and so on.

You will see the same letter written differently, then select the one that resembles the font you are looking for. Based on your answers, you will receive a list of fonts to choose the one that is closest to your reference. 

Serif Font Identification Guide home page

The Font In Logo website counts a list of fonts used by famous brands in their logos. You just need to type the name of the brand, and, in a few seconds, you will see the logo and the name of the font. Click on it to get more information, and also to download the font.

Font in Logo home page

The Importance of Fonts and Understanding Their Differences

If you are a graphic or web designer, being able to identify fonts is an asset related to the ability to understand the difference between font styles and the images they convey. For instance, The type of font chosen to be used in a logo or a banner isn't random.

Several aspects are considered because the font type must be aligned with the brand's identity and corroborate to transmit the message intended. The perception someone gets from the same text may differ when it's written in a different font.

It's essential to consider that when developing your design projects, observing the multiple types of fonts used on the internet will help you to expand your vision and creativity. Pay attention to the details, and how a font type aligns with other visual elements on a page.

You can use this to get inspired to create your own fonts or to choose the best one. If you identify a font type you want to use, check its copyrights and purchase a license if necessary.

How to Choose a Font

1. Look For Inspiration

Enjoy the apps to identify fonts to search for styles that will inspire your creations. Study success cases, and also check the type of fonts that were used in projects similar to yours.

Then, you can explore innovative approaches to differentiate the font types you will use from them. Animated flipbooks can also provide inspiration and insight into font usage within engaging visual contexts.

2. Keep Aligned With the Brand's Identity

Choosing font types that are in harmony with the rest of the elements that compose a design piece, whether it's a website, a flyer, or a book, is fundamental. It's visually pleasant, makes the design more attractive, and helps to convey the message you intend to pass.

3. Choose a Main Font

If you are designing website pages, you will probably use more than one font type, for example for the logo, menu, and articles. The tip is to select the main font first, this is the one that will be applied to the headlines, titles, and other texts you wish to highlight. The main font sets the tone of the style chosen, and the secondary ones should be aligned with it.

4. Consider Where The Font Will Be Applied

What's the purpose of the design piece you are developing? That's the main question you should answer before choosing the font types. The objective of your project is what will guide your design choices not only regarding the fonts but all the other elements.

5. Mind Readability

Fonts with too many details, like cursive ones, may be beautiful but difficult to read. They probably work better for logos and short texts. While it may be tiring to read a long text with them. Observe the size, the font, and the background color as well.

Select the Fonts that Fit Your Design Project

Enjoy the features all those apps to identify fonts offer you and download the fonts that suit your project better. As a web designer, it's essential to have a library of fonts, pay attention to their characteristics, and understand how the font you choose has an impact on the visual identity of a website, or a brand. It affects user experience and influences important results, such as how a brand is perceived.

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