Product Updates

JustCall Updates: All New Q2 Product Highlights

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JustCall is back in the second quarter with a lot to share! JustCall and team have been working hard to bring customer happiness and satisfaction with new changes and improvements.

And we are happy to share here all that we achieved because of the love and support from our customers!

So, here’s a quick brief of the latest news and product updates in Q2 of 2021:

1. Live Call Intelligence

Conversational intelligence helps managers or admins to monitor live agent calls. Admins can keep an eye on the ongoing calls through their dashboard.

The greatest advantage of conversational intelligence is that the setup automatically picks up the intent of the conversation.

2.Improved productivity and performance tracking with ‘Persona Based Dashboard’

Now you can customize your dashboard as per your use cases. Be it Marketing, Sales, or Support teams, you can set the widgets as per your preference. This will help admins to get key metrics for their use cases. 

As already said, this dashboard has also been enhanced in terms of flexibility to manage the widgets. 

  1. Ability to resize the widgets as per requirements
  2. Ability to move the widgets’ ordering based on one’ preference 

3. Enhanced controls in Auto-Dialer campaigns using Advanced Workflows

With the advanced workflows, Campaign managers will now have more control of the Autodialer campaigns. You can create a customized workflow(s) and also a single workflow can run on multiple campaigns. Few interesting use-cases:

  1. You can move users out of the campaign based on disposition code received through the campaign
  2.  You can alert the Sales team to follow-up based on similar disposition codes



4. Quick responses with Saved Replies in Android

We now have the ability to manage Saved Replies in Android. To enhance an agent’s productivity and give them the ability to do quicker replies, we have introduced “Saved Replies” in the Android app.

This allows agents to save the common replies that are sent to end customers on a regular basis, thus reducing the time to reply from their Android phones.


5. VoiceMail Drop in Android

JustCall’s Android app now has the ability to send custom voicemail messages to customers.

With a single tap, the agent can access all the voicemail recordings and choose the one they wish to send to end customers. This ensures that the communication is sent to the end customer even if they are unable to pick up the call or send follow-up information.


6. Scheduled Calls in Android

We have introduced the ability to schedule follow-up calls from the Android app dialer. This ensures that the agent doesn’t miss on important calls with the client and they can maximize their conversions.

7. Playable Call Recording & VoiceMails in Pipedrive

With our new update to Pipedrive integration, users will receive playable call recordings along with the conversations.

This pushes the actual recording of the call in Pipedrive, thus making it easier for you to listen to your call recordings without the need of clicking and opening the link.

For the calls, we also push relevant information like notes and disposition codes, along with call details. 


8. JustCall – Gorgias Integration: Log IVR Digit information

Gorgias Integration allows users to make calls and send text messages from their favorite e-commerce helpdesk.

Moreover, you can track your calls, recordings, voicemails, and text messages as tickets. Apart from this, whenever you receive a call, the integration will provide customer details and a link to open their Gorgias profile.

  • Make calls and send text messages via our click to call and text icons next to phone numbers
  • Your calls are logged as tickets along with recording links and notes
  • Text messages appear as a conversation under a single ticket (we don’t create unwanted ticket noise by creating a ticket for each and every text)
  • Tickets will now also have IVR digit information

If you want to know what more features this integration awards you with, read here about Gorgias phone integration!


9. Enhanced Control on SMS Conversation Tagging via APIs

Now users will be able to find out the conversations from API, search a conversation based on tag, and also be able to tag conversations on threads.

Users can create or delete tags and customize them as per the conversation use case. For example, if the conversation thread contains “Looking for Property”, add a tag “Lead”

Users can also get client conversations tagged automatically based on the Call Disposition codes. 


10. Auto dialer Controls

Now you have more control over your Auto Dialer Campaigns.

If you feel like that you want to skip a contact you can simply click on the ‘Skip Contact’ button below the timer.Autodialer-Campaign-JustCall-Updates

The reattempt information for contacts helps agents to optimize their strategy of dialing. Also, an overall view of reattempts helps agents to define the goals for future campaigns.

Our excitement doesn’t end here!

At JustCall, we are constantly striving to create a smooth, seamless experience for our customers. Moreover, such achievements and accolades only push us to deliver our best.

We owe this success to our loyal customers and to the consistent efforts of team JustCall. If you have any feature-related queries, feel free to get on a one-on-one conversation with our experts today!

Gaurav is the founder and CEO of JustCall. He is passionate about making life easier for the sales and support community through SaaS software. A big believer in the Lean Startup methodology, he loves helping SMBs find frugal ways to grow their business. He frequently writes about the intersection of SaaS, Sales enablement and Customer Experience.

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