Business Phone System

VoIP Phone Service for Education Industry: Features & Benefits

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Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIPtechnology is disrupting the education domain. With the growing demand for online and distance learning courses, legacy telephones are failing to offer seamless communication across educational organizations. And VoIP seems the emerging winner. It is seen that 87% of students are using their mobile devices to look for online study programs. In the corporate sector, 77% of US companies Used Online Learning to speed up employee training. So, before we go for the VoIP phone service for our education business, let’s know its features and benefits.

Cloud-based Phone Systems in Education

With online certification courses gaining prominence, pen and paper communications have become ancient. Now, skills and theory are taught online along with practical sessions.

No matter where you teach or train from, a cloud-based phone system has made it possible to take training sessions and classes from anywhere around the globe. Moreover, businesses can run numerous certifications and online courses, train and teach any number of learners.

Benefits of VoIP Phone Systems for Educational Institutions

VoIP is a phone service that works on digital connections, like the internet connection. VoIP phone systems offer more flexibility than legacy wired landlines. They replace a lot of equipment that traditional desk phones ask for. It’s very easy to set up a VoIP phone system for business. All it requires is a laptop, phone, or desktop(basically, any device) and a speedy internet connection.

But before you invest in one for your education business, let’s just take you through the 5 outstanding features that explain why VoIP is the best phone system option for your education business.


Your office or desk landlines may fail to work. But a cloud-based VoIP never fails. No matter how the weather is, a VoIP based phone service works smoothly. 

Because VoIP is mostly configured in software, you can carry out system updates. This ensures they’re always operating at their max performance. No disconnections. Landline phone service is now an ancient technology, in comparison to VoIP that offers flexibility and update potential which is unlimited.


VoIP service allows you to connect educators with as many learners as possible. There is no limitation to phone lines. With VoIP, you can connect with mentors and learners sitting anywhere in the world. It gives you the flexibility to work from any device. Hence, irrespective of your location, educators are able to provide certification courses or online training to learners around the globe. 

With the desk phone system, the entire calling process comes to an end if the phone stops working. But this does not happen so when using the VoIP solution. Even during network outages, your VoIP phone system does not crash. With proper pre-arrangements made, it allows you to forward calls to any phone or desktop as per your convenience. So, your trainers can train even when their own phones have stopped working.

Mobility and Remote Work

Cloud communications running on VoIP service have dissolved all geographical boundaries. Now, mentors and learners can make full-fledged use of VoIP phone system features like calling and video conferencing to hold discussions, live tutorials, and lot more.

Remote working no longer seems a tough task. Cloud phone systems and VoIP services allow online trainers to provide classes from their places of comfort. It can be their homes, their office, or a co-working space as well. 

As for education contact center agents, they can answer customer queries from anywhere. An efficient VoIP phone service for business, here education, allows seamless communication across time zones. No matter whether they are stationed at a place or on the move.

Boost Productivity & Efficiency

  • You can make announcements reach thousands of people in a go with messaging and campaigns.
  • The feature of automatic call distribution diffuses the incoming tide of calls and connects the client with the best available agent.
  • With IVR, learners are directed to the specific departments of choice as per their press inputs.
  • Calls can be forwarded to agents keeping in mind their availability.

All of the above features, and a lot more discussed below, make VoIP phone service a feature-rich system that boosts productivity and efficiency of education business teams.

Reduce Communication Costs

When using the wired telephones, you actually have to pay for every minute that you talk. But with VoIP, you cut down your costs. You do not have to worry about the minute charges. The greatest advantage of using VoIP is that it cuts down you charges for making international calls. You can easily grab business opportunities with local business phone numbers in affordable pricing.

Cloud Phone Systems Features That Revamp Online Education 


An IVR is a virtual receptionist. Callers hear the IVR before the call connects with the right person. Simply put, an IVR comprises a welcome message with a set of instructions. Customers choose from the options that the IVR provides and get answered accordingly.

An efficient IVR feature of the cloud phone system collects inputs from clients and routes calls to the appropriate recipient. You can tailor your IVR to funnel callers to distinct, specialized teams with the specific skills to handle unique customer issues related to classes and training.

Call Routing

Call queue management and call routing quickly puts callers in touch with the right faculty. Custom messages deliver important information to callers so they understand key times, dates and deadlines. Resources such as counseling, tutoring, and other support services can be readily accessed with these features.

Auto Dialer

Sales is a number game. Usually, with the legacy desk phones, sales reps spend only 1/3 rd of the time selling. Mostly, they either shuffle between their phone and CRM or manually dial numbers. Additionally, misdialing, excessive waiting time, and call drop lead to a decrease in the productivity of agents.

But with a single-line auto dialer, agents are able to make 75-85 calls per hour. The Auto Dialer dials one number at a time as per the list. And agent answers only the connected calls. Thus, it saves 2-3 hours per agent per day deleting waiting periods plus manual typing of all sorts. Agents could easily take notes while on call or read out call scripts. They gave a personalized customer experience using the call notes. They never missed setting callbacks.


Collaborative communication is possible with the bulk SMS feature of cloud phone system.  It is seen that SMS has a staggering open rate of +95%. As SMSes are easily read by all, running the SMS campaign agents can reach out to 3X more leads than before.

Bulk SMS feature also boosts your conversions. Information to customers like pricing updates and promotional offers or informing clients about a change in schedules or exam details – can be sent out with personalization.


Automation around the messaging adds on to lead generation by instantaneously answering generic queries. This provides answers without the need to call. It also saves manual typing of text replies. At the same time, SMS Bots are more empathetic and less robotic.

SMS Bots allow agents to solve frequent queries around timings of online classes, fees for online workshops, registration for online tests, details of online practicals, and so on. This gives messaging a humane touch where automated replies can be instantly sent to the customer.

Even when the agents are not available, SMS Bot answers any questions regarding registrations, sessions, courses, and admissions. Or anything like offers and promotions.


Call Monitoring

The pandemic had compelled learners to take training and tutorials while staying indoors. Hence, remote work or remote learning has been a boiling practice.

As for call centers, virtual call centers are gaining prominence. With agents operating from remote locations, their accountability becomes a big concern.

It is not possible to turn around and quickly discuss the situation with the co-agent while being on call. Moreover, it also becomes difficult for the manager to train the new joiners. Working with the cloud phone system, training and monitoring of dispersed teams and agents becomes way easier.

Call monitoring has enabled managers to keep an eye on agents’ activity and presence (green signal on the dashboard) and hold them accountable for tasks. Listening to live calls between the agents and customers has guaranteed information credibility and level of performance. With call whispering, managers can train their newly joined reps on-call and guide them in real-time. Call barging, another feature, help the team to crack important deals.

Office Hours

A business VoIP phone service for the education business takes care of agent’s office hours. It has features where managers can know when their agents are available. It also allows for agents to forward calls to their numbers or their teammates within their working hours. Queries after working hours can also be sent ot the voicemail. 

Voicemail Drop

There are times when the agents are unavailable to take client calls. For example, on weekends, outside office hours, public holidays, etc. But none can leave customers’ calls unattended.

Also, when back to work, agents need to track customers who called them when they were unavailable and proactively reach out to them. The voicemail drop feature of the VoIP phone service in a cloud phone system makes it possible.

Now businesses can route all the calls after office hours to the voicemails. And when a customer or a learner calls during these hours, they are routed to the voicemail. Here, customers can leave a message stating their name, the purpose of the call, and even request a callback.

Appointment Scheduler

For education business or organizations, it is important that no online classes, sessions or tutorials overlap with one another. In such a scenario, fixing the correct time frames is vital. An appointment scheduler erases all sorts of clashes for educators as well as learners.

Learners or clients can easily choose from the available slots for training sessions, counseling sessions or mentoring courses.

FAQs About VoIP Phone Solutions for Education

1. How long does it take to set up call center software for education?

Setting up a call centre software for education is very quick and easy. With call centre software like JustCall, you can get numbers in more than 70 countries. You can get a new phone number or simply port your existing number, invite your team members and start making & receiving calls.

2. Are there any physical requirements I need before testing my VoIP service?

VoIP, as the name suggests, is Voice Over Internet Protocol. With this, you just require a butter-smooth internet connection and a device of your choice. It can be your phone, desktop or laptop. VoIP phone systems do not ask for any storage equipment as all of your data is stored in the cloud.

You can start making and receiving calls once you have ensured a strong internet connection and a device of choice.

Try the Best VoIP System for Your Education Business, Risk-Free

For running an education business, having a smooth communication system is a priority. With VoIP phone service for education using a cloud phone system like JustCall, you actually win the maximum flexibility as well as scalability for your education business. And that too risk-free.

Are you still in doubt regarding the VoIP features that an efficient cloud phone system provides? Get in touch with our experts in seconds. And you are all sorted!

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Sandy leads the US Sales team at JustCall and he has been integral in growing JustCall’s ARR by 5X while bootstrapped. He is a big believer in using tech to enable sales and is the first person to try out every new feature in the JustCall stack. While he’s not writing high performance email cadences for his team, he dabbles in blogging about Sales Strategy, Sales Tech and Sales Training.

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