The Benefits of Implementing a Flex Schedule

After the initial surge of COVID-19, contact centres everywhere had to scramble to keep momentum going. Now, many companies are faced with the potential of either not returning to a traditional office space or having to stagger agents to maintain a socially distant work environment. Now more than ever is the time to provide an ideal, flexible working schedule for your contact centre. By implementing a flex-schedule, you can ensure that your team is working the hours they need to work while improving the quality of their and the overall morale of your team.

Improves Efficiency

The biggest obstacle to scheduling your workforce is providing the coverage that your organisation needs at the right time. A flexible schedule allows your team to respond to surges in demand, allowing your agents to work “on-call”. If your contact centre is experiencing a surge, you can bring in your on-call team to handle the extra calls. Use Workforce Management software to forecast the needs of your business to ensure that your contact centre is staffed during peak business hours. Additionally, your agents can drop shifts when things aren’t as busy.

Increases Morale

The job of a contact centre agent isn’t easy, but there are ways to increase morale throughout your organisation. Implementing a flexible schedule is great for driving employee satisfaction and engagement. A flex-schedule shows that you value your team and are encouraging them to invest in their personal time – whether that’s raising kids, developing a side hustle, or even catching up on hobbies. Satisfied employees are more engaged with their work and dedicated to providing excellent customer service.

Improves Productivity

Studies show that working for 8 straight hours does not guarantee productivity. Some agents may work better with a non-traditional work schedule. Flex-schedules allow your team to work when they’re feeling most productive, which ensures that your organisation is getting the absolute best performance out of your team.

How Call Design Can Help

Call Design is the ideal partner for contact centres looking to improve their operations and engage their workforce. As the most trusted supplier of WFM software, Call Design can equip your contact centre with the perfect tool to meet the specific needs of your agents. Contact centres that are looking to implement a flex-schedule system will need a platform to simplify and optimise the scheduling process. Contact Call Design today to learn how we can help you.