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Written by: Pindrop

Contact Center Fraud & Authentication Expert

It is obvious that fraudsters’ sophistication is evolving, surpassing security measures toward a single end goal — financial gain. Worse, consumers are unaware of the effects of social media, with 61% admitting to sharing answers to security questions over their online profiles. This percentage rises to 80% for 18-24 year olds, making them beyond easy targets to fraudsters. Additionally, personal identifying information (PII) can be bought over the black market, further enabling fraudsters to bypass security measures.

This easy access of information has rendered traditional call center identity solutions — including knowledge-based authentication (KBA) questions, ANI verification, caller ID, and standalone voice biometric solutions ineffective and inefficient. Legacy call center security solutions are slow to provide information, increasing average call handle times, and ultimately impacting the overall customer experience. In response to these insufficiencies, new technologies are leading authentication to new bounds, characterized by behavior and voice.

As we move towards an economy dictated by conversational commerce, voice biometric solutions are directly impacting authentication. The popularity of transactions made through voice-led devices, such as Amazon Alexas and Google Homes, has created further interest in integrating voice into enterprises. The voice-led revolution has allowed voice biometric solutions to step in as an alternative method of authentication. However, the strong dependency on a single type of technology has left enterprises open to fraudulent activity.

Due to the relentless nature of fraudsters and their continued attempts to work around security measures, enterprises must reexamine and protect all vulnerabilities. Standalone voice biometric solutions are not enough to authenticate callers, and until now, voice biometric engines have not accounted for voice aging. Enterprises should enact a layered approach, using voice biometrics as part of a multi-factor solution.

Pindrop® Passport combines our proprietary Deep Voice™ biometric engine with Phoneprinting™ and Toneprinting™ technologies to provide passive intelligence to authenticate legitimate callers in real-time. Learn more.
