What to Do if You Are Injured by a Defective Product

Injury attorney

If you’ve been injured by a defective product, chances are you have medical bills and you’ve missed work. In cases resulting in serious injuries, the injured party may lose the ability to work altogether.

The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission reports thousands of product defect-related deaths each year. If you are among those who have been injured, you are far from alone.

Manufacturers, distributors, and transporters all have a duty to keep consumers safe. When they fail, serious injuries and even death can happen as a result.

If you have medical bills and you’ve missed work after an accident, you may be wondering whether or not you should get a lawyer. Keep reading to learn more about why this may be the best choice for you.

If You’ve Been Injured by a Defective Product

If you or a loved one has been harmed and you believe a defective product was responsible, visit a doctor right away to document the injury. Follow the doctor’s recommendations for the best chance at recovery from your injuries.

You will also want to do your research to find the best product liability lawyer. Choose an attorney who has experience with your specific type of accident and injury. Be prepared to give the lawyer a thorough summary of your accident and the aftermath.

No matter where you are in the United States, you will find liability lawyers near you who offer consultations with no charge. If you believe you may have a case, reach out to an attorney to learn the next steps you should take.

The Benefits of Getting a Product Liability Lawyer

Have you or a loved one been injured in an accident involving a defective product? These are the 10 ways a product liability lawyer can help you.

1. Giving your lawsuit the best possible chance of success

Your lawyer knows if they want a case to be successful, it’s best to begin the investigation right away. They will review the facts of your case and advise you of your options. The attorney will also tell you what kind of evidence you’ll need.

2. Identifying all possible defendants

When an injury occurs, often there is no single responsible party. Instead, there may be multiple defendants with different levels of fault. This can be especially true when it comes to product liability. An attorney will identify any possible defendants.

3. Negotiating directly with insurance

This may be the first time you’ve been injured. If so, you may be tempted to take the lowball settlement the insurance company offers you. Personal injury lawyers have experience dealing directly with insurance. They know how to negotiate to get you fair compensation.

4. Documenting your evidence

When you represent yourself in an injury case, you may not understand the evidence you’ll need to prove your case. You could end up settling for less than you deserve as a result. Your lawyer will collect documentation to build a strong case in your favor.

5. Calculating your pain and suffering

Not all of an accident victim’s damages involve medical bills and lost wages. Your pain and suffering is also worth compensation. Your attorney will be able to accurately estimate your pain and suffering damages to make sure you don’t get less than you need.

6. Bringing in expert witnesses

Often, in product injury cases expert witnesses will need to be brought in to provide facts to back up your claims. Your attorney has the experience to choose the right experts for your particular case. This can mean the difference between winning or losing your case.

7. Helping you avoid court

Your attorney can help you avoid court by making it in the insurance company’s best interest to settle with you. When you work with a lawyer, your chances of getting the insurance company to offer you adequate compensation for your damages is increased.

8. Maximizing your settlement or award

One of the biggest problems with representing yourself in court is you may not understand the true worth of your case. A lawyer has the experience to understand the accurate value of your claim and to make sure your evidence is properly documented.

9. Filing your case

It is important that your case is filed in the correct court. They also know which jurisdictions and judges are more likely to side with the plaintiffs. Having someone with this knowledge on your side can be invaluable to your case.

10. Recreating your accident for a jury

Recreating your accident helps jurors visualize the accident so they can identify who was responsible. A lawyer also understands how to accurately recreate the scene for insurance adjusters. This is a valuable visual tool that can increase the amount of your settlement.

Most liability lawyers offer free initial consultations. During your first meeting the attorney will review the facts of your case and tell you whether or not you have a valid claim. These consultations are no-obligation and confidential. It’s worth taking your time to talk to a professional.

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