Contact center resilience - 5 lessons learned from COVID-19


10 Jun 2020

In the words of Elvis, we're 'all shook up'. Not surprising after the initial reaction to the global pandemic that is COVID-19. It's changed how we think, live and work and why it's important to build resiliency into contact center operations.

Traditionally contact centers have always had to consider how they keep going in crisis situations because their customers expect to be able to keep in touch and businesses depend on their front line customer service functions. But, with COVID-19 things have turned out to be quite different to anything experienced before.

So how is it that some organizations are faring better than others? The answer lies in the way they've approached the crisis and responded to the needs of their customers, employees and their business. Not forgetting security too.

Those that have fared well have done so thanks to agility and decisive thinking. Now, Eckoh's experts have compiled a useful eGuide that looks at the top 5 lessons learned from COVID-19 that can have a real positive impact on how you face the future. We'll be looking at:

  • Ways to succeed with reduced agent numbers
  • How to protect the customer experience with work-at-home agents
  • How to combat cyber criminals' attempts to take advantage of your vulnerability.

There's no doubt that contact center operations will be changed forever as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, both in terms of business continuity and ongoing operations. As organizations across the country start to mobilize their workforce 'back to the office', many will begin to recognize that some of the practices implemented during lockdown could actually become an integral part of their business continuity planning. It will also reveal other practices that you could use to make your contact center more resilient for the future.

To find out more download our eGuideContact CenterResilience - 5 lessons learned from COVID-19.

Alternatively, if you'd like to talk to us about how we can help then just get in touch.