ViiBE x Zendesk: Complementary Platforms for Enhanced Customer Experience

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ViiBE’s video-assistance technology dedicated to helping desk support in call centers is proud to partner with Zendesk. As a member of Zendesk’s incubator at Station F in Paris, as well as being available on the Zendesk marketplace, ViiBE is pleased that this partnership has proven beneficial to clients such as the international sporting goods retailer, Decathlon. ViiBE’s integration with customer service powerhouse, Zendesk, promises the best remote diagnosis thanks to a live video stream combined with AR and collaborative tools. 

1. What makes this partnership so special?

ViiBE helps companies optimise their customer experience and reduce on-site travels. This has been particularly relevant given the context of the Covid-19 health crisis and resulting confinement. During this time, companies needed an effortless and effective way to provide customer service remotely.

Companies face some common pain points when providing customer support. Thanks to the integration of ViiBE into Zendesk, many of these challenges are alleviated. Some of the issues that customers face prior to integrating ViiBE into Zendesk include:

  • Voice communications are limited when detailing technical incidents
  • Customers in need of assistance have difficulties making their issues understood
  • Subsequent incomplete diagnosis of the problem
  • Needing several calls to establish an accurate diagnosis (low FCR)
  • Long-lasting customer device and machine downtime
  • Expensive travels for technicians to help customers
  • Too long of time to resolve incidents, leading to unsatisfied customers (low NPS)

2. The ease of using ViiBE on the Zendesk platform

ViiBE provides a dedicated subdomain to its clients. This allows them to use ViiBE’s video communication interface and access their own dedicated back-office. The integration with Zendesk creates a seamless support experience. Once the ViiBE app is enabled through the Zendesk platform, an agent simply has to open a ticket and a ViiBE call button will be embedded so he or she can immediately start making ViiBE calls.

In the communication interface, a help desk agent can send a link to the customer in need of assistance to start the call. In one click and without download, this person will have access to a ViiBE video communication with the expert. They can then use various collaborative tools to diagnose and solve the problem.

3. Want to improve your KPIs?

When the call ends, both the call center agent and customer are asked to rate the quality of the call. This exit ticket helps track some of the most important KPIs for measuring the success of a call center. 

With ViiBE, companies can optimise and increase their first contact resolution (FCR) rates, increase their net promoter score (NPS), and reduce their tech dispatch. In the case of Decathlon, they reported a 25% increase in NPS after improving their customer satisfaction from using ViiBE. 

The benefits reaped from using ViiBE for Zendesk were further elucidated by After-Sales Director of Decathlon and Domyos, Benoit Lacayrouze in an interview with Zendesk Senior Sales Manager, Gwendoline Jansonnie. Lacayrouze reported that Decathlon was able to divide the number of technicians sent out to provide customer support on-site by 6 during the confinement period. He continued, explaining how this was possible because using ViiBE allowed their customer service agents to more efficiently assist customers from a distance.

4. Future of the partnership

The close collaboration between ViiBE and Zendesk has proven incredibly fruitful. Client testimony clearly demonstrates the partnership’s capacity to help customers achieve their KPI goals. ViiBE is happy to pair its solution with a company that is so dedicated to providing excellent customer service. Moreover, ViiBE is pleased that Zendesk is so involved in supporting the success of the companies in its incubator. ViiBE looks forward to continuing to work with Zendesk to enhance customer satisfaction.

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